Macbeth Unit Test Flashcards
- Messenger who shares need that someone’s family was killed
- Drunkard used for comic relief in the play
Well-respected king who is murdered in sleep
- Believes her husband is a traitor
Lady macduff
- Deliver prophecies that tend to come true
Witches/weird sisters
- Loyal man who is about to die but brags about war hero
- Power-crazed and tyrannical king of Scotland
- Kings son who flees to Ireland
- Young boy who could take over throne in future
- Manipulative and controlling individual who commits suicide
Lady Macbeth
- Goddess of witchcraft
- General who is murdered in the woods
- Minor asked to restore Scotland to peaceful state of mind
- Nobleman who seems suspicious about cause of recent killings
- Earl of Northumberland who is leader of English army
- Which kind from the play best describes the idea that “everything is not what it seems?”
A. “Thou shalt get kinds, though thou be none”
B. “Your hand, your tongue: look like the innocent flower but be the serpent under it”
C. “Till birnam wood remove to Dunsinane”
D. “The power of man, for none of woman born”
B. “Your hand, your tongue: look like the innocent flower but be the serpent under it”
- The porter awakened by constant knocking, imagines that he:
A. Is being kidnapped
B. Has murdered Duncan
C. Is at the gate of hell
D. Heard Macbeth calling for him
C. Is at the gate of hell
- What is an extended speech by one character alone on stage called?
A. Aside
B. Soliloquy
C. Dialogue
D. Hubris
B. Soliloquy
- Who best describes a person with courage and loyalty?
A. Fleance
B. Donalbain
C. Young siward
D. Macdonwald
C. Young Siward
- Who is the first person to see Duncan’s dead body?
A. Banquo
B. Lennox
C. Ross
D. Macduff
D. Macduff
- What do the witches claim about their powers?
A. They are the supreme rulers of the universe
B. They have no control over people’s decisions
C. They have the ability to cause all of the world to be evil
D. They have a direct voice in who will be given accolades
B. They have no control over people’s decisions
- What is Macbeth’s tragic flaw?
A. His poor leadership skills
B. His trust in others
C. His hatred in men
D. His personal ambition to have power
D. His personal ambition to have power
- Macduff can best be described as:
A. Treacherous and greedy
B. Brave and forgiving
C. Loyal and vengeful
D. Honorable and devious
C. Loyal and vengeful
- Who is the last person Macbeth kills?
A. Young siward
B. Duncan
C. Banquo
D. Lady macduff
A. Young siward
- All of the following are elements of tragedy except:
A. A central character who has a fall from happiness to misery
B. An evocation of pity and fear
C. An ascent from ignorance to insight
D. A female character who acts as a fool to the mail hero
D. A female character who acts as a foil to the male hero
- Why do Malcolm and donalbain leave Scotland?
They believe their lives are in danger after seeing their father killed
- What is the literary term when someone speaks his/her thoughts so that others on stage cannot hear?
- What is the climax of the play?
When Banquo is killed and Fleance escapes
- At the beginning of the play, what country is at war with Scotland?
- What is the significance of Lady McBeth keeping a candle burning all night?
The candle represents goodness as she is trying to wash away all of her guilt
- What does Malcolm do as his first official act of taking over the throne?
He decides to overthrow Macbeth
- Where do Scottish kings officially get crowned?
- What does lady macduff tell her son happened to macduff?
He is a traitor and has died
- Why is lady Macbeth unable to kill the king
He resembles her father
- What is one question Macbeth asks Banquo prior to the feast honoring Macbeth as king?
Will Fleance be with you?
- What motif is expressed by Macbeth saying “geese, villain?”
- How do elizabethans explain the meaning of sleep
It is the ultimate form of innocence
- Where does macduff reside?
- After hearing the news of macduff’s family being killed, what is Malcolm’s response?
He says to macduff that he must dispute it like a man
- Prior to the play beginning, what title does Macbeth hold?
Thane of Glamis
“O, I could play the woman with mine eyes and braggart with my tongue”
McDuff is reacting to Rosses news about his recently can old family. The first part is referencing crying like a woman because he is distraught and devastated, and the second is his plot for revenge
- “The prince of Cumberland! That is a step on which I must fall down, or else overleap dir my way it lies. Stars, hide your fires; let not light see my black and deep desires”
McBeth is talking to himself about the recent promotion of Malcolm friends of Cumberland and how disappointed he is that he was not named heir to the throne. He is now beginning to truly consider the idea of killing Duncan to secure the crown
- “Yet do I fear thy nature it is too full of the milk of human kindness”
The McBeth says to herself because she is concerned McBeth is not man enough to go through with killing Duncan
- “There’s no art to find the minds construction in the face”
Duncan says this to McBeth after selecting him for the position of being of God door. This is him explaining for picking him. He believes McBeth is the right one for the job and it was an easy decision
- “A heavy summons lies like lead upon me, and yet I would not sleep”
Banquo to McBeth because he is unable to sleep. He continues to think about the witches and there are prophecies lay heavy on his mind
- Explain how Malcolm is a dynamic character
Early in the play, Malcolm reacted childishly to the death of his father. Rather than stepping up and becoming king, he cowardly flees to England. At this point, he was immature and had a selfish mindset. This changes once the tranny of Macbeth becomes. Apparent to him and macduff. After he tests macduffs loyalty to him, he begins his soliloquy about how he will step up and do his job. He admits that he might not be as great as a king as his father but he will do his best for Scotland. He changes from mature and selfish to mature and selfless by agreeing to provide his services to his country.
- Reacted childishly to fathers death (immature and selfish)
- Changes once Macbeth becomes a tyrant
- Step up and do his job
- Not as good of a king as his father
- Selfless
- Discuss the significance of manhood in the play by using at least 3 specific exanples
Manhood is a consistent theme throughout the play, and a very obvious highly valued treat a man during this time period to have. It drives the man in the play. We see this first when lady McBeth is able to persuade McBeth into killing Duncan. She questions his manhood and ability to perform duties associated with such the title. This is the Knouff to convince him that he should kill Duncan. Manhood acts as the backbone of the man’s actions. Another example is Malcolm and macduffs reactions to the slaughter of family. Malcolm tells him to man up. But that explains that he must also grief. As this is a part of Manhood. He need to feel it like a man. Manhood is yet another persuasive technique when Macbeth attempts to recruit the murderers to kill Banquo. He questions their manhood and makes them think that they must prove themselves to be manly. I’m this play, manhood is the driving force of murder, and decisions that lead to grief, then vengeance.
- Lady Macbeth insulting Macbeth’s manhood about killing Duncan
- Macduff reacting to the death of his family and Malcolm telling him to man up
- Recruiting hit-men
- Analyze the theme that superstition often affects human behavior in Macbeth by supplying at least 3 specific examples of how this idea is discussed throughout the play
Superstition haunts Macbeth through the play. It influences him to commit wicked acts and become paranoid and fearful. The first supernatural encounter comes from the dagger he sees before him. It is almost an invitation to kill Duncan when it is pained with the bell that lady Macbeth rings. The occurrence signifies it lays heavy on his mind. The next experience is the ghost of Banquo. This figure haunts Macbeth. It causes him to be paranoid, especially because during this time period, many people believed that ghosts of people will come back from the dead to “get you”. This spirit made Macbeth ramble and struck fear and guilt into his heart. Other superstitions come from the witches. Macbeth put so much of his faith in them, as well as lady Macbeth. It drove both of them to kill many people in the play. Although lady Macbeth never kills anyone, she is influenced by the evil beings. Their prophecies were made true by Macbeth’s acts. Superstition is an important element in the play that influences human behavior to a much further extreme than in today’s society.
- Dagger-invitation to kill Duncan, bell that lady Macbeth rings
- Ghost of Banquo
- Witches
In this soliloquy, Macbeth is expressing his fear of Banquo and his recent suspicions. He clearly describes this when he says in line 4 “whose being I do fear.” He also is upset with his actions upon first meeting the sisters. “He chid…upon me” in lines 11-12. This is his anger from Banquo’s reaction to Macbeth’s prophecy. Macbeth sees this as almost betrayal. He also does not want Banquo’s sons to be king. In lines 13-16 we see Macbeth’s bitterness about his “fruitless crown” or not having his own blood heir to the throne. He will have “no son of mine succeeding.” This soliloquy marks the demise of Banquo. Macbeth is beginning to think about murdering him and his son so his own sons can be kings. He says how he has done all of this work for his own family including “the gracious Duncan have I murdered”. The fact that Banquo’s sons get to be king for practically doing nothing bothers Macbeth. It’s not fair that Banquo’s sons are able to inherit the throne when Macbeth has done all of the work. He comes to a rough-draft conclusion that Banquo is too suspicious to have around any longer and too much of a threat to his rule. Fleance is also standing in the way of his ability to have his sons become king.