1984 Book 3 Flashcards
I hate when I go to the flea market and see people who are constantly_________over the price of items
When speaking in front of large crowds, most kids are________ and anxious that their hands shake rapidly
Most good writers know how to______their own personal experiences in the protagonists personality
In the past, kids used to occupy their time by playing________with their friends
The______girl was so devastated after finding out she got rejected from her top choice of colleges that she refused to come down for dinner
Despite working in newton and rarely ever seeing any crimes, the police officer always carried a ______ in case he needed to get physical with a criminal
When Harry’s father was arrested for embezzlement, his family’s reputation suffered_______because of all the negative publicity
When I was at penn state, there was a street______who always had some knick knack for sale
It is horrible and inhumane to see someone who is violently beaten and______(ed) to death simply because of the person’s skin color
The_____seemed suspicious when his search of Terry’s past revealed that terry once hid in a tree for five hours to avoid being caught by the police
What is the cafes specialty drink?
Saccharine with cloves
Which idea most describes winston’s death?
The time can never be expected
Where else does Obrien saycrats are a common punishment?
Imperial china
Why is ampleforth arrested?
He is caught adding his own words to the poem
At the end of the book, to what has Winston been appointed?
A sub-committee of a sub-committee
How long does Obrien claim he has been watching Winston?
Seven years
What specific item does Obrien show Winston?
The photograph of big brother
What does Winston hope the brotherhood will send him?
Razor blades
What can be inferred about Goldstein?
He does not actually exist and is created by the inner party
What is winstons prison number?
What is winstons final comment about the party
He loves big brother
Why is parsons arrested?
He screams down with big brother in his sleep
Who is Oceania at war with as the book ends
What building is Winston taken to following his arrest?
Ministry of love
What are the 3 stages to winstons reintegration?
Learning, understanding, acceptance
According to Obrien, what is winstons biggest flaw
He doesn’t support the ideals of the party
What does Obrien do to Winston when Winston looks in the mirror?
He pulls out a tooth
According to the party what is 2+2?
How is the image of a “book stamping on a human face-forever” an appropriate representation of this future dystopia?
The idea that the party has complete control over them and there’s no one who can stop it
What are 2 different types of propaganda in book three and what are the specific names of each of the techniques used?
Plain folks: when the guards were beating him and then changed their tone and calling him comrade and appeal to him in the name of ingsoc and big brother
Bandwagon: when Obrien was telling Winston that he cannot just simply obey big brother, he must love big brother