1984 Book 2 Flashcards
Borrowing money with no intention of repaying
Crude representation of someone disliked
Refraining from sexual intercourse
Liable or subject to change or alteration
Spot or mottled marking that occurs in clusters
File or line waiting for action
Capacity of producing young in great numbers
Act of protest
What is winstons biggest phobia?
What is the inner party’s most special privilege?
They can turn their private telescreens off
What concealed danger does Winston have to be most careful about if in the countryside
Where do Winston and Julia first agree to meet?
Victory square, near the monument
What is the one component the inner party cannot do to Winston and Julia?
Make them love big brother
What happens to Julia?
She is beaten and taken away
What is Julia’s opinion on the war?
She does not think it is real
How is winstons job different than what julia does at the ministry of truth?
Julia- manual
Winston- brainwork
Why does Obrien want to arrange a meeting with Winston?
He wants to give him a copy of the new dictionary
Why is Winston starting to work more hours?
He is preparing for hate week
Who is Obrien’s servant?
Where is the telescreen located that catches Winston and Julia?
Behind the poster/picture in the upper room of Mr. Charrington’s shop
Who is Oceania at war with by the end of Book 2?
East Asia
What is one act Winston and Julia tell Obrien they are willing to commit?
Putting acid in children’s eyes
What is revealed about Mr. Charrington’s true identity?
He is a member of the thought police
What is winstons reply when Obrien says when they will meet again
In the place where there is no darkness?
Despite Winston remembering otherwise, what does the party claim to have invented
While remember one of his dreams about his family, why does Winston believe he killed his mother and sister?
He stole their food rations
Why does julia ask Winston to turn around when they are in the room above the shop?
So she can put on makeup
How will Winston receive obriens copy of goldsteins book?
It’s in a briefcase