Mac 2: Post Flashcards
Which management style refers to “high people: low task”?
- Produce or Perish Management Style
- Country Club Management Style
- Impoverished Management Style
- Middle-of-the-road Management Style
Country Club Management Style
Which managers will be participatory in their leadership style?
- Theory W Managers
- Theory Y Managers
- Theory Z Managers
- Theory X Managers
Theory Y Manager
All of the following factors have been identified as crucial elements in determining the success of leadership, EXCEPT:
- The leader’s followers
- The company’s wage and salary rates
- Leaders themselves
- The workplace situation
The company’s wage and salary rates
This comes from leader personality characteristics that command followers’ identification, respect, and admiration so they want to emulate the leader.
- Coercive Power
- Reward Power
- Referent Power
- Expert Power
Referent Power
It involves directing people but in a more supportive way.
- Coaching
- Directing
- Supporting
- Delegating
This is a management style wherein the manager feels the opinions and advice of the staff are useful, but all decisions remain on his exclusive scope.
- Consultative
- Participative
- Authoritative
- Exploitative
Of the terms listed below, which applies to the branch of management that focuses on the directing of a group of people toward a designated goal?
- Behavior Modification
- Leadership
- Leader
- Motivation
The ability to integrate and interpret information
- Drive
- Motivation
- Intelligence
- Task-Relevant Knowledge
True or False
The personal traits of leaders have been proven by research to be an excellent predict of the leadership success.
Which management styles refers to “high people: high task”?
- Produce or Perish Management Style
- Country Club Management Style
- Team Management Style
- Middle-of-the-road Management Style
Team Management Style
Which of the following is a leadership system or a management style, as defined by Rensis Likert?
- Benevolent and Authoritative
- Exploitative
- All of the above, except d
- Consultative
- Participative
- All of the above
All of the above
Which management function is leadership considered the fulfillment of?
- Directing
- Planning
- Controlling
- Organizing
It is the power that stems largely from a person’s position of authority.
- Hard Power
- Low Power
- Soft Power
- High Power
Hard Power
It involves relationship behavior which includes facilitating their involvement through problem-solving and decision making.
- Delegating
- Supporting
- Telling
- Selling
It is the ability of the leader to adapt to fit the needs of followers and demands of situations.
- Intelligence
- Drive
- Self-Confidence
- Flexibility
Managers view workers only as tools and means of production and feel no further obligation to them
- Benevolent
- Consultative
- Exploitative
- Participative
True or False
Referent power comes from leader personality characteristics that command followers’ identification, respect, and admiration so they want to emulate the leader.
True or False
Managerial Grid was devised by Robert R. Blake and Jane S. Mouton
Personal traits of a leader except
- Credibility
- Flexibility
- Integrity
- None of the above
Wrong Ans.
True or False
Theory Y managers believe that people must be coerced into performing their duties by constant supervision
True or False
Impoverished Management Style has high concern for others and likes to be involved with coworkers but low concern for the task
True or False
The associated power of authority implies the ability to sanction others to make sure that they comply with rules, regulations or directives set by the organization
True or False
Soft power enables a supervisor to influence subordinates with the utilization of rewards and punishments