M6 Slip Departures And Returns Flashcards
After boarding the vessel, opening the hatch and entering the cabin you need to take inventory, looking for loose objects and ensuring that they are secured so as not to fly around and cause damage.
complacent [kəmˈpleɪsnt] a (džn. menk.) pernelyg patenkintas (tuo, kas pasiekta), nusiraminęs
Getting ready to sail involves planning, getting to and on the vessel and preparing crew and sailboat. Many of the essential tasks become routine with practice, but complacency is to be avoided.
maneuverable [məˈnu:vərəbl] a amer. = manoeuvrable
Modern sailboats are highly maneuverable and sailors now have the option to have either the vessel’s bow or stern facing the dock.
ready [ˈredɪ] parengtas
If the mainsail is furled and canvas covered on the boom, it must be readied.
dodger [ˈdɔdʒə] n
1 mokantis išsisukti/išsisukinėti, mitruolis, gudragalvis, lapė
3 jūr. tentas, brezentinė stoginė (ant kapitono tiltelio ir pan.)
A dodger (also known as a spray-hood) is a frame-supported canvas (usually with clear vinyl windows) structure providing a helmsman and other occupants of a sailboat partial protection from harsh weather and seas. It covers part of the cockpit and the entrance (or “companionway”) into the interior of the sailboat. One can usually stand under a dodger and be protected from rain, spray and snow travelling straight down or from the front/fore of the craft. There is little protection afforded from elements moving from aft to fore, but since the boat is usually moving forward or anchored by the bow and therefore facing into the wind this is seldom a problem.
canvas [ˈkænvəs] n
1 stora drobė, brezentas (palapinėms, burėms ir pan.)
A dodger (also known as a spray-hood) is a frame-supported canvas (usually with clear vinyl windows) structure providing a helmsman and other occupants of a sailboat partial protection from harsh weather and seas. It covers part of the cockpit and the entrance.
vinyl [ˈvaɪnəl] n
1 chem. vinilas
2 viniplastas (plastikas)
routine [ru:ˈti:n]
moment [ˈməumənt] n
1 momentas; akimirka, akimirksnis;
salon [ˈsælɔn] pr. n
1 (kirpyklos, madų ir pan.) salonas;
attend to someone or something
to take care of the needs of someone or something; to respond to a request or demand from someone or something. Please attend to your wounded friend. Would you please attend to the action points of this memo?
sole¹ [səul]
1 (kojos, bato) padas; papadė
2 puspadis
3 apačia, dugnas
4 spec. pamatas, pėda, padas;
get pulled over
To halt at the side of the road
halt¹ [hɔ:lt]
pull somebody over also pull over somebody
cause someone to stop their vehicle at the side of a road Two highway patrol officers pulled him over after watching him weaving between lanes. They pulled over several drivers who went through the red light.
Anytime you get pulled over by any water safety authority, you will be asked to present one properly sized and rated PFD for each person on board. And the authorities are not very forgiving when it comes to a violation of this golden rule.
begin making it ready for
you must get on the vessel and begin making it ready for departure.
need to take an inventory
After boarding the vessel, opening the hatch and entering the cabin you need to take an inventory, looking for loose objects and ensuring that they are secured so as not to fly around and cause damage.
nuisance [‹nju:sns] n
1 apmaudas, nemalonumas;
can get stuck in
Notice that the lines coming out of the head are not that big and so many things can get stuck in those lines.
it’s in your best interests to give
Thus, it’s in your best interests to give a quick briefing to new guests and to post a notice in the head enclosure area.
bleach [bli:t]
1 balinimo medžiaga, baliklis; chlorkalkės
DO NOT use any bleach products, as these will degrade the rubber components very quickly. Don’t keep bleach products in the head area cabinets, as guests will tend to think they are doing you a favor and pour them into the head.
it suffices to say that
While man overboard is unlikely, it suffices to say that this 5-second briefing could save a life.
suffice [səˈfaɪs] v pakakti, užtekti; patenkinti;
suffice (it) to say that… pakanka pasakyti, kad…;
your word will suffice užteks jūsų žodžio;
does it suffice you? ar tai jus (pa)tenkina?
contingency [kənˈtɪndʒənsɪ] n atsitiktinumas; netikėtumas; nenumatytas atvejis;
disengaged [ˌdɪsɪnˈgeɪdʒd] a
1 laisvas, neužimtas
3 tech. atjungtas, išjungtas
Before starting ensure that the shift handle is disengaged.
post a lookout to make certain there are no other boats
Post a lookout to make certain there are no other boats either in front or to your sides that may pose a potential collision condition. Courtesy and patience are always signs of a skilled and thoughtful helmsperson.
pose¹ [pəuz]
↪ v
1 pozuoti (ir prk.); padaryti/nustatyti pozą
2 dėtis, apsimesti (as)
3 (iš)kelti, (už)duoti (klausimą, uždavinį); sudaryti (sunkumų ir pan.);
rising unemployment is posing serious problems didėjantis nedarbas kelia rimtų problemų
pose² v sugluminti, (pa)statyti į keblią padėtį (pateikiant keblų klausimą)
negotiate a turn
a : to successfully travel along or over
b : complete, accomplish
Controlling departure speed is important, you must have enough speed to steer, but no more than necessary in case you need to stop and/or maneuver in order to negotiate a turn.
capitalise¹ [ˈkæpɪtəlaɪz] v
1 kapitalizuoti, (pa)versti kapitalu
2 krauti(s)/su(si)krauti kapitalą (on, upon – iš);
to capitalise on the errors of a rival firm pasinaudoti konkuruojančios firmos klaidomis
Check to ensure that the dock shore power line is detached from the vessel and properly stowed. We call this yellow dock line.
warp [wɔ:p]
5 geol. sąnašinis dumblas
6 jūr. lynas (tinklui traukti)
Warp: a dockline for a ship, anchor line or mooring line
surge [sə:dʒ] ↪ n 1 didelė banga; volas; bangavimas, bangos; surge tide štorminis potvynis 2 prk. banga, antplūdis; surge of anger pykčio banga/antplūdis; fresh surge of energy energijos antplūdis ↪ v 1 banguoti; kilti, kil(n)otis
Springs are essential because they prevent stress on the boat due to surging. The spring lines strech.
courtesy [ˈkə:təsɪ] n 1 mandagumas, pagarbumas, etiketas 2 pl mandagybės, meilūs žodžiai, komplimentai (susitikus) 3 malonus sutikimas, leidimas, malonė; by courtesy of a) su kieno maloniu sutikimu; b) dėl (ko), (ko) dėka
quay [ki:] n krantinė, prieplauka