Kartojimas Flashcards
hood1 [hud]
1 (galvos) gobtuvas, apdanga, vaura
2 dangtis, viršus; kepurė (pvz., aviliui uždengti)
Much of the modern sailing clothing, although pricey, has well-fitting hoods,
collar [ˈkɔlə]
1 apykaklė;
stand-up collar stačia apykaklė;
exempt [ɪgˈzempt]
Ä a
1 atleistas (nuo mokesčių, karo tarnybos ir pan.; from)
2 neturintis (trūkumų ir pan.);
exempt from passions nepatyręs aistrų
Ä v atleisti (from – nuo);
to exempt from taxation atleisti nuo mokesčių
However, this does not mean that a yachtsman or sailor would be able to justify carrying a non-exempted knife at all times when ashore.
dye [daɪ]
dye [daɪ]
Ä n
1 dažai; dažas, dažomoji medžiaga;
reflective tape
scarf1 [skɑ:f] n (pl scarfs, -ves)
1 šalikas, kaklaskarė, kaklajuostė, pakaklinis
2 kaklaraištis
toweling scarf
crotch [krɔtʃ] n 1 (medžio) šakumas, išsišakojimas, tarp(u)šakis 2 tarpkojis, šakumas (t. p. drabužio) 3 stat. trišakis crotch straps
strap [stræp]
1 diržas, dirželis;
carbonaceous [ˌkɑ:bəuˈneɪʃəs] a 1 chem. anglies, anglinis 2 spec. karbonatinis carbonaceous materials such as paper, wood, textiles carbonaceous /ˌkɑ:bəˈneɪʃəs/
smother [ˈsmʌðə]
1 (už)dusinti, (už)troškinti
oxygen could be removed smothering
forestall [fɔ:ˈstɔ:l] v
1 užbėgti už akių;
to forestall the events užbėgti įvykiams už akių
2 suardyti (kieno planus) užbėgant už akių
slack, to take up the slack
1 (virvės ir pan.) laisvumas, atsileidusi/neįtempta dalis;
to take up the slack in the rope įtempti virvę
foul [faul] 4 susidurti (apie valtis ir pan.); atsitrenkti (į laivą ir pan.)
If Hi-line fouls your gear, a ‘week line’ will break
frap (verb)
to use a small line to hold an external halyard away from the mast by tying it out to the shrouds. This is done to stop noise and chafe.
latent [ˈleɪtənt] a slaptas, užslėptas, nematomas, latentinis;
It takes more latent ability to steer a boat well on reaches and, especially, on runs.
on a beat, on a run
or example, if the true wind speed is 14 knots, you might feel 20 knots of apparent wind on a beat, but on a run you may only feel about seven knots apparent.
steering by the lee
steering with the wind aft and on the same side of the stern as the mainsail, thus placing the boat in danger of gybing
tread water
tread [tred]
to tread water
a) plaukti stačiomis, išsilaikyti vandenyje stačiomis;
1 rimtas, svarus;
4 grėsmingas, sunkus; mirtinas
An EPIRB (Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon) or PLB (Personal Locator Beacon) is a satellite-signaling device of last resort, for use when all other means of self-rescue have been exhausted and where the situation is deemed to be grave and imminent, and the loss of life, limb, eyesight or valuable property will occur without assistance.
imminent [ˈɪmɪnənt] n artėjantis, neišvengiamas (apie pavojų); gresiantis, grasinantis
On which side of the buoy should the boat pass?
The boat should pass east of the buoy
On which side of the buoy should the boat pass?
- The boat should pass to east of the buoy
- Traveling upstream, you should pass to the left of this buoy as it marks the right side of the channel
On which side of the buoy should the boat pass?
-The boat should pass to east of the buoy
-When travelling upstream or away from the sea:
• keep port (red) marks on your port-hand side (left)
• keep starboard (green) marks on your starboard hand side (right)
V.Q.(6)+L.Fl. for a very quick group of six flashes, followed by a long flash.
On which side of the buoy should the boat pass?
-The boat should pass to the east of the buoy
- There is safe water to the east of the mark
-When travelling upstream or away from the sea:
• keep port (red) marks on your port-hand side (left)
• keep starboard (green) marks on your starboard hand side (right)
chevron [ˈʃevrən] n
1 kar. ševronas
2 stat. suremtų gegnių pora - nupaišytas išsišakojimas
victual [ˈvɪtl] v (-ll-)
1 spec. ap(si)rūpinti maisto produktais; tiekti maistą/produktus
2 psn. maitinti(s)
idle speed
“Idle Speed” means to operate your boat or PWC at the slowest speed at which it is still possible to maintain steering control.
Failure to Regulate Speed is operating a boat or PWC at speeds that may cause danger, injury, damage, or unnecessary inconvenience either directly or by the effect of the boat’s wake. It is illegal to:
Fail to regulate your speed near swimming areas, docks, moored boats and boats engaged in fishing
Operate a boat or PWC faster than is reasonable and prudent under the conditions (weather, boat traffic)
Overloading is loading the boat beyond the recommended capacity shown on the capacity plate installed by the boat manufacturer.