M14: Anchoring and Mooring Flashcards
towards [təˈwɔ:dz] prep
1 link; į;
modicum [ˈmɔdɪkəm] n truputėlis, truputis;
modicum of comfort minimalūs patogumai
capriciousness [kəˈprɪʃəsnɪs] n kaprizingumas, užgaidumas
abate [əˈbeɪt] v
1 (su)mažėti, (su)silpnėti, (nu)rimti; nusekti, (nu)slūgti (apie vandenį);
the flood is abating potvynis slūgsta
2 (su)mažinti, (pa)lengvinti
dissect [dɪˈsekt] v
1 anat. skrosti, perpjauti
2 smulkiai analizuoti, kritiškai nagrinėti
abound [əˈbaund] v būti pertekus/gausu; gausiai turėti;
fish abound in this lake, this lake abounds in fish šiame ežere gausu žuvų;
to abound in courage būti labai drąsiam
ultimate [ˈʌltɪmət]
The ultimate anchor has yet to be produced.
Plow - plough [plau]
↪ n
1 plūgas;
A combination of lines and chains called the anchor rode.
catenary [kəˈti:nərɪ] ↪ n 1 fiz., mat. grandininė kreivė 2 tech. laikomasis lynas 3 el. kontaktinis tinklas ↪ a grandininis (apie kreivę); catenary suspension (elektrinio geležinkelio) grandininė pakaba
The path (curve) of the anchor rode from the boat to the anchor is mathematically a “catenary”.
lashing [ˈlæʃɪŋ] n 1 mušimas, pliekimas 2 prk. pliekimas, iškalbėjimai, priekaištai 3 surišimas; virvė(s) (surišimui) 4 pl šnek. gausybė (maisto, gėrimo)
The anchor should be released from any lashings.
secure [sɪˈkjuə]
5 uždaryti, užstumti; pritvirtinti; sutvirtinti, užtverti, užblokuoti (įėjimą ir pan.);
to secure the windows (gerai, stipriai) uždaryti langus
The chain must be secured to the boat (if not, all the chain may be pulled out from the chain locker!)
Wound round
wound² [waund] past ir pII žr. wind¹ v 5
Wind - wind² [waɪnd]
↪ n
1 pasukimas; užsukimas (laikrodžio);
to give smth a wind pasukti ką
2 tekst. vyniojimas
↪ v (wound)
1 vingiuoti, raitytis, rangytis (t. p. wind its/one’s way; apie kelią, upę ir pan.)
2 sukti(s), vyti(s), vynioti(s);
to wind cotton on a reel užvyti siūlus ant ritės;
she wound her arms around him ji apkabino/apsivijo jį rankomis
3 užsukti, prisukti (laikrodį)
4 kelti suktuvu/gerve
□ wind (a)round ap(si)sukti, ap(si)vynioti;
wind back atsukti atgal (kino juostą ir pan.);
wind down
After the initial first complete turn the rope should be wound round in two complete figure 8s.
Tripping line
A tripping line is a line attached to the lower end of the anchor. It enables you to upend the anchor if it becomes stuck under an obstruction. The disadvantages are that you or another vessel can catch them on the propeller or another vessel may try to use it as a mooring buoy! I would normally only advocate the use of a tripping line if I was in a place where there may be debris on the bottom, such as in a harbour area.
debris [ˈdebri:, deɪbri:] pr. n
1 lūženos, nuolaužos, nuodaužos; (statybinis) laužas
2 griuvėsiai (po bombardavimo, katastrofos)
3 geol. (uolų) nuolaužos, nuosėdos
precarious [prɪˈkɜərɪəs] a
1 nesaugus; rizikingas, pavojingas
2 nepatikimas, netikras; nepagrįstas;
precarious inference abejotina išvada
As the wind change your boat will move with the wind and can put you into precarious situation.
Play out
play out (ppr. pass)
a) įvykti (kas turėjo įvykti);
b) išsisemti, išsekti;
Stop the boat and play out the anchor rode which includes first dropping the anchor, followed by anchor chain, and/or anchor chain and finally nylon line.
To give an anchor a good set
Setting the anchor happens when it digs into the sea bottom.
pertain [pəˈteɪn] v
1 priklausyti; sietis, būti susijusiam, turėti ryšio (to)
2 (pri)tikti, (pri)derėti
Physically demanding chore
Raising of the anchor could be physically demanding chore.
lump [lʌmp]
↪ n
1 gabalas, gumulas, gniutulas, gniužulas; grumstas, luitas;
one lump or two? vieną gabalėlį (cukraus) ar du?
This is a “stopper” knot, essential it makes a lump on the end of the rope that will not pull through a fairlead or other fitting.
drogue [drəug] n
1 jūr. velkamasis inkaras
2 av. lėktuvo tempiamas taikinys
abreast [əˈbrest] adv
1 greta, viena linija, neatsiliekant;
walking three abreast einant trise greta;
to be abreast (of), to keep abreast (with) neatsilikti (nuo), eiti kartu, koja kojon (su);
to keep abreast of/with the times žengti kartu su gyvenimu
2 jūr. statmenai laivo kursui
Bring the object abreast of a point about one-third of the way back from your bow.
warp [wɔ:p] ↪ n 6 jūr. lynas (tinklui traukti) 1 (lentų ir pan.) persimetimas, rietimasis 2 trūkumas, defektas 3 iškrypimas; iškreipimas; deformacija 4 tekst. (audeklo) apmatai, metmenys 5 geol. sąnašinis dumblas 6 jūr. lynas (tinklui traukti) ↪ v 1 riestis, mestis, persimesti, persisukti; the door has been warped durys persimetė 2 iškrypti; iškreipti; deformuotis; to warp one’s whole life su(si)gadinti sau gyvenimą 3 tręšti dumblu 4 tekst. (ap)mesti (audeklą) 5 jūr. traukti lynu
With warp (preferably plaited nylon) use at least six times the depth.
berth¹ [bə:θ]
↪ n
1 gultas (laive); miegamoji vieta (vagone); vieta (diližane ir pan.)
2 jūr. inkarą išmetusio laivo stovėjimo vieta (jūroje, uoste); prieplauka;
building berth stapelis;
covered berth elingas
3 šnek. vieta, tarnyba
◊ to give smb/smth a wide berth šalintis, iš tolo ko išsilenkti; aplenkti ką iš tolo
↪ v
1 jūr. pritvirtinti laivą, švartuotis
2 duoti gultą/vietą miegoti
1 (su)mažėti, (su)silpnėti, (nu)rimti; nusekti, (nu)slūgti (apie vandenį);
the flood is abating potvynis slūgsta
2 (su)mažinti, (pa)lengvinti
3 nuleisti (kainą)
4 (at)šipinti, (at)bukinti; (ap)tašyti (akmenį)
5 teis. (pa)naikinti, anuliuoti; nutraukti
Letting out line
Letting out line of anchor
Played out
Finally, you need a way to determine how much anchor line has been “played out”.
To release gradually - he played the rope out
Pile up
pile up
a) sukrauti; prikrauti;
to pile up the tables with good things nukrauti stalus skaniais valgiais;
b) su(si)kaupti (apie darbą, prekes, korespondenciją);
c) susidurti (apie kelias transporto priemones);
d) užplaukti ant seklumos (apie laivą)
Lower the road slowly so that it does not “pile up” on the bottom.
commotion [kəˈməuʃn] n
1 sambrūzdis, bruzdesys
2 sujudimas; sumišimas, sąmyšis
Stay put
stay put
To remain in a fixed or established position.
Do this by sighting objects on shore and determing they stay put.
Not to move. We’ve decided to stay put and not to move to Florida.
To stay where you are. Just stay put until I get the car.
The anchor is set
The anchor will set, is set, apply a little more reverse throthle to give the anchor a “good set”.
Watch your swing
Golden rule is “watch your swing”
To ebb out
The tide “ebbs” out
The diagram shows that as the tide ebbed out your scope increased as well as your swing path bringing you dangerously close to the bottom and/or shore.
Off the front, off the back
Tight cove made it necessary to anchor off the front and then two lines of the back to large rocks on shore.
Flake out
Flake some chain out on deck before you let go, and it helps to have a few depths marked on the chain eg with paint.
inclement [ɪnˈklemənt] a atšiaurus, šaltas (apie klimatą, orą; ir. prk.)
awning [ˈɔ:nɪŋ] n tentas, stoginė, uždanga (nuo saulės, lietaus)
cove¹ [kəuv] n
1 įlankėlė; užutekis
2 saugi vieta prie uolėto jūros kranto; prieplauka
3 stat. skliautas