M11: Currents And Tides Flashcards
Mean Lower Low Water
For regions with semi-diurnal or mixed semi-diurnal tides, the mean of the lower of the two low tides that occur each tidal day, determined over the period of water level observations
Mean Higher High Water
For regions with semi-diurnal or mixed semi-diurnal tides, the mean of the higher of the two high tides that occur each tidal day, determined over the period of water level observations.
semidiurnal [ˌsemɪdaɪˈə:nl] a astr. įvykstantis du kartus per parą
Most places on the planet experience two high tides every 24 hours and 50 minutes as discussed above. This is called a semidiurnal tide.
bathymetry [bəˈθɪmɪtrɪ] n batimetrija (vandens gylio matavimas)
diurnal [daɪˈə:nl] a
1 knyg. dienos, dieninis (priešpriešinant nakčiai)
2 astr. parõs
estuary [ˈestʃuərɪ] n
1 estuarija, upės žiotys
2 jūr. limanas
Ebb tide: Water going down towards low tide
ebb [eb] n 1 atoslūgis; the tide is on the ebb potvynis slūgsta 2 permaina į blogąją pusę; kritimas; to be at a low ebb (nu)kristi, (nu)smukti; būti sunkioje padėtyje v 1 slūgti (atoslūgio metu) 2 prk. slūgti, mažėti, silpnėti (t. p. ebb away)
Flood Tide: Water coming up towards high tide
Flood Tide: Water coming up towards high tide
Slack Water
Slack Water: Times when the water movement due to tidal effects are minimal. Note that because of the time it takes for bays and estuaries to drain out, slack water is not necessarily at high tide and low tide.
kelp [kelp] n
1 bot. rudadumbliai, ypač laminarijos
2 tų dumblių pelenai, iš kurių išgaunamas jodas
seaweed [ˈsi:wi:d] n bot. jūros dumbliai
well1 [wel]
Ä n
1 šulinys
5 naftos gręžinys (t. p. oil well)
stranded wreck
stranded1 [ˈstrændɪd] a
1 užplaukęs ant seklumos
2 išmestas į krantą
vortex [ˈvɔ:teks] n (pl -tices, vortexes)
1 sūkurys, verpetas (ir prk.); viesulas;
It is reasonable to assume that leeway can cause …
It is reasonable to assume that leeway can cause a 5-10 degree directional change between the heading and the actual course.
wake² n jūr. kilvateris; (laivo ir pan. sukeltas) srautas, bangavimas;
in the wake kilvateriu
◊ in smb’s/smth’s wake iš paskos; įkandin;
in the wake of po; dėl
Sight down the vessels …
Sight down the vessels wake with the HBC to determine that bearing.
the wind was off your starboard beam
the wind was off your starboard beam…
rectilineal, rectilinear [ˌrektɪˈlɪnɪəl, ˌrektɪˈlɪnɪə] a spec. tiesus; tiesinis; tiesiaeigis (apie judėjimą)
Rectilinear, rotary tide
Rectilinear, where they flow in one direction for half a tide and then reverse to flow in the opposite direction with a period of slack water at the turn of the tide or: Rotary, in which the stream changes direction from hour to hour, often without a period of slack water.