M5 Rules And Safety Flashcards
baffling [ˈbæflɪŋ] a gluminantis, trikdantis, sunkus
Gloss over
gloss¹ [glɔs] ↪ n 1 (audinio, plaukų ir pan.) blizgesys, žvilgesys 2 apgaulingai žavi/maloni išorė 3 rafinuotumas, įmantrumas ↪ v 1 blizginti 2 blizgėti, žvilgėti 3 nudailinti (atsitikimą, pasielgimą), (už)tušuoti, (už)glostyti (trūkumus), vengti kalbėti (apie nemalonius dalykus; over)
So despite a desire to maybe gloss over this topic and pretend to come back to it, we want you to hunker down serously and pay full attention here.
A sailboat is deemed to be on…
deem [di:m] v knyg. manyti, būti nuomonės
courtesy [ˈkə:təsɪ] n 1 mandagumas, pagarbumas, etiketas 2 pl mandagybės, meilūs žodžiai, komplimentai (susitikus) 3 malonus sutikimas, leidimas, malonė; by courtesy of a) su kieno maloniu sutikimu; b) dėl (ko), (ko) dėka
courteous [ˈkɔ:tɪəs] a mandagus, pagarbus, paslaugus
Knowing the rules for safe and courteous sailing is essential.
instigate [ˈɪnstɪgeɪt] v
1 (su)kurstyti, raginti; (iš)provokuoti
2 pradėti (tyrimą ir pan.)
Verb: instigate |'in‑stuˌgeyt| Provoke or stir up • instigate a riot = incite, set off, stir up ~ provoke, stimulate ⇒ raise Serve as the inciting cause of = inspire, prompt ~ cause, get, have, induce, make, stimulate
collision [kəˈlɪʒn] n
1 (traukinių, laivų ir pan.) susidūrimas;
to come into collision (with) (ir prk.) susidurti (su)
2 prk. susidūrimas, susikirtimas; kolizija, konfliktas
Going windward in a close hauled sail set could be dangerous because your vessel always has a certain amount of sideslip and you just might not make it - or the wind could change, causing you not to be able to make as tight of a heading as you estimated.
To lie adrift
The sailboat is overtaking a powerboat. Any vessel overtaking another must Give Way, therefore the sailboat must Give Way. This is also the case if the powerboat was lying adrift in this position.
However, if the powerboat was adrift in the position in the image below, the powerboat must Give-Way. The reason for this is that adrift is actually considered as “underway” even with engines off.
Noun: vessel |ve‑sul| (biology) a tube or canal that carries fluid in an animal or plant = vas ~ tube, tube-shaped structure ⇒ blood vessel A floating craft used for transport over water = watercraft ~ craft
Verb: propel
(propelled, propelling)
Cause to move forward with force • Steam propels this ship
= impel
~ displace, move
⇒ carry, catapult, drive, flip, hit, kick, launch, loft, pole, project, punt, rocket, send off, throw, wing
Give an incentive for action • This propelled me to sacrifice my career
= actuate, incite, motivate, move, prompt
~ cause, do, engender, make
Verb: argue |aa(r)‑gyoo| Present reasons and arguments = reason ~ lay out, present, represent ⇒ defend, expostulate, fend for, re-argue, support Have an argument about something = contend, debate, fence ~ converse, discourse ⇒ altercate, argufy, bicker, brabble, dispute, niggle, oppose, pettifog, quarrel, quibble, scrap, spar, squabble, stickle Give evidence of • The evidence argues for your claim = indicate
Every vessel shall at all times maintain a proper look-out by sight and hearing as well as by all available means appropriate in the prevailing circumstances and conditions so as to make a full appraisal of the situation and of the risk of collision.
Noun: radar
scanty [ˈskæntɪ] a
1 skurdus, menkas, prastas;
scanty breakfast menki pusryčiai
2 mažytis, vos užtektinas;
Assumptions shallnot be made on the basis of scanty information, especially scanty radar information.
Running, wing on wing
Sailing the boat within roughly 30 degrees either side of dead downwind is called a run. This can be the most comfortable point of sail, but requires constant attention. When the wind is coming directly behind the boat, the sailor must sail wing on wing, one sail on port the other on starboard. Loss of attention by the helmsperson can lead to an accidental jibe, causing injury to the boat or crew. All on deck must be aware of, and if possible avoid, the potential arc of the boom, mainsheet and other gear in case an accidental jibe occurs during a run. A preventer can be rigged to reduce danger and damage from accidental jibes.
Two head sails
Another technique often used by cruisers is to set two head sails, one to port and one to starboard. Depending on the sails, this can often give as much sail area as a spinnaker, but is easier to control. It is also easier to handle than going wing and wing, as the main sail is not set and does not disturb the air flow to the head sails. The main boom then can be rigged as a whisker pole too, to stabilize one of the head sails.
Sailing by lee
Another technique used while running is sailing by the lee. Here the main sail is placed on the windward side of the boat, leading to a heightened risk of gybing. With the main placed perpendicular to the boat to windward, and then pulled in slightly, the leech is allowed to act as the leading edge of an airfoil. (Usually, the luff is the leading edge, such as when close-hauled.) This position, though unstable to accidental gybes, allows the sail to generate some force from lift, just as when sailing on a broad-reach. In fact, because there is no mast to generate turbulence around the sail’s leading edge (as happens on the broad reach) the lift generated is somewhat stronger than might be expected for such an oblique profile
draught [drɑ:ft] n 1 trauka, trauksmas, skersvėjis; chimney draught kamino trauka; he has caught cold (by) sitting in a draught jis suslogavo nuo skersvėjo; there is a draught here čia traukia 2 traukimas, tempimas 3 pilstymas; beer on draught, draught beer alus iš statinės (pilstomas) 4 maukas, gurkšnis; 8 jūr. (laivo) grimzlė, gramzda
In lieu of something
lieu [lju:, lu:] n: in lieu of knyg. vietoj ko
Verb: deviate♫ |'dee‑veeˌeyt| Turn aside; turn away from = divert ~ turn ⇒ depart, detour, digress, sidetrack, straggle, yaw
Severely restricted in ability to deviate from her course.
Adverb: severely
prevailing [prɪˈveɪlɪŋ] a
1 vyraujantis, dominuojantis
2 (plačiai) paplitęs, visuotinis
Every vessel shall at all times maintain a proper look-out by sight and hearing as well as by all available means appropriate in the prevailing circumtances and conditions, so as to make a full appraisal of the situation and of the risk of collision.