M3. Lesson 4: Social Cognitive Theory Flashcards
What is observational learning?
Observational learning allows people to learn without performing a behavior.
What does observational learning require?
Observational learning requires (1) attention to a model, (2) organization and retention of observations, (3) behavioral production, and (4) motivation to perform the modeled behavior.
What is enactive learning?
Enactive learning takes place when our responses produce consequences.
What is human functioning?
Human functioning is a product of the mutual interaction of environmental events, behavior, and personal factors, a model called triadic reciprocal causation.
What are two important environmental factors that influence people’s lives in unplanned and unexpected ways?
Chance encounters and fortuitous events are two important environmental factors that influence people’s lives in unplanned and unexpected ways.
What are chance encounters and fortuitous events?
Chance encounters and fortuitous events are two important environmental factors that influence people’s lives in unplanned and unexpected ways.
What are chance encounters and fortuitous events?
Chance encounters and fortuitous events are two important environmental factors that influence people’s lives in unplanned and unexpected ways.
What is human agency?
Human agency means that people can and do exercise a measure of control over their lives.
What is self-efficacy?
Self-efficacy refers to people’s belief that they are capable of performing those behaviors that can produce desired outcomes in a particular situation.
What is proxy agency?
Proxy agency occurs when people have the capacity to rely on others for goods and services.
What is collective efficacy?
Collective efficacy refers to the confidence that groups of people have that their combined efforts will produce social change.
People have some capacity of what? And what kind of factors do they use for it?
People have some capacity for self-regulation, and they use both external and internal factors to self-regulate.
What are external factors?
External factors provide us with standards for evaluating our behavior as well as external reinforcement in the form of rewards received from others.
What are internal factors?
Internal factors in self-regulation include (1) self-observation, (2) judgmental processes, and (3) self-reaction.
What can people do through selective activation and disengagement of internal control?
Through selective activation and disengagement of internal control, people can separate themselves from the injurious consequences of their actions.
What are the four principal techniques of selective activation and disengagement of internal control?
Four principal techniques of selective activation and disengagement of internal control are (1) redefining behavior, (2) displacing or diffusing responsibility, (3) disregarding or distorting the consequences of behavior, and (4) dehumanizing or blaming the victims for their injuries.
How are dysfunctional behaviors acquired?
Dysfunctional behaviors, such as depression, phobias, and aggression, are acquired through the reciprocal interaction of environment, personal factors, and behavior.
What does social cognitive therapy emphasize?
Social cognitive therapy emphasizes cognitive mediation, especially perceived self-efficacy.
What is the perspective of Albert Bandura’s social cognitive theory?
Albert Bandura’s social cognitive theory takes chance encounters and fortuitous events seriously, even while recognizing that these meetings and events do not invariably alter one’s life path. How we react to an expected meeting or event is usually more powerful than the event itself.
What are the basic assumptions of social cognitive theory?
First, the outstanding characteristic of humans is plasticity; that is, humans have the flexibility to learn a variety of behaviors in diverse situations.
Second, through a triadic reciprocal causation model that includes behavioral, environmental, and personal factors, people have the capacity to regulate their lives.
Third, social cognitive theory takes an agentic perspective, meaning that humans have the capacity to exercise control over the nature and quality of their lives.
Fourth, people regulate their conduct through both external and internal factors.
Fifth, when people find themselves in morally ambiguous situations, they typically attempt to regulate their behavior through moral agency, which includes redefining the behavior, disregarding or distorting the consequences of their behavior, dehumanizing or blaming the victims of their behavior, and displacing or diffusing responsibility for their actions.
What is the first assumption of social cognitive theory?
First, the outstanding characteristic of humans is plasticity; that is, humans have the flexibility to learn a variety of behaviors in diverse situations. Bandura agrees with Skinner that people can and do learn through direct experience, but he places much more emphasis on vicarious learning, that is, learning by observing others. Bandura also stresses the idea that reinforcement can be vicarious; people can be reinforced by observing another person receive a reward. This indirect reinforcement accounts for a good bit of human learning.
What is the second assumption of social cognitive theory?
Second, through a triadic reciprocal causation model that includes behavioral, environmental, and personal factors, people have the capacity to regulate their lives. Humans can transform transitory events into relatively consistent ways of evaluating and regulating their social and cultural environments. Without this capacity, people would merely react to sensory experiences and would lack the capacity to anticipate events, create new ideas, or use internal standards to evaluate present experiences. Two important environmental forces in the triadic model are chance encounters and fortuitous events.
What is the third assumption of social cognitive theory?
Third, social cognitive theory takes an agentic perspective, meaning that humans have the capacity to exercise control over the nature and quality of their lives. People are the producers as well as the products of social systems. An important component of the triadic reciprocal causation model is self-efficacy. People’s performance is generally enhanced when they have high self-efficacy: that is, the confidence that they can perform those behaviors that will produce desired behaviors in a particular situation. In addition to self-efficacy, both proxy agency and collective efficacy can predict performance. With proxy agency, people are able to rely on others for goods and services, whereas collective efficacy refers to people’s shared beliefs that they can bring about change.
What is the fourth assumption of social cognitive theory?
Fourth, people regulate their conduct through both external and internal factors. External factors include people’s physical and social environments, whereas internal factors include self-observation, judgmental process, and self-reaction.
What is the fifth assumption of social cognitive theory?
Fifth, when people find themselves in morally ambiguous situations, they typically attempt to regulate their behavior through moral agency, which includes redefining the behavior, disregarding or distorting the consequences of their behavior, dehumanizing or blaming the victims of their behavior, and displacing or diffusing responsibility for their actions.