M3. Lesson 2: Biological-Evolutionary Theories Flashcards
What is an artificial selection?
Artificial selection (otherwise known as “breeding”) occurs when humans select particular desirable traits in a breeding species.
What is a natural selection?
Natural selection is the process by which evolution happens and is simply a more general form of artificial selection in which nature rather than people select the traits. More specifically, it occurs when traits become either more or less common in a species over long periods of time because they do or do not lead to greater survivability (D. Buss, 1999; D. Buss & Greiling, 1999).
What is a sexual selection?
Sexual selection operates when members of the opposite sex find certain traits more appealing and attractive than others and thereby produce offspring with those traits.
What are adaptations?
Adaptations are evolved strategies that solve important survival and/or reproductive problems.
What are adaptations often a product of?
Adaptations are often the products of natural or sexual selection and must have a genetic or inherited basis to them.
What are by-products?
By-products are traits that happen as a result of adaptations but are not part of the functional design. By-products “come along for the ride” of natural or sexual selection.
What is “noise”?
Noise, also known as “random effects,” occurs when evolution produces random changes in design that do not affect function. Noise tends to be produced by chance and not selected for.
What is evolutionary psychology?
The term evolutionary psychology can be defined as the scientific study of human thought and behavior from an evolutionary perspective and focuses on four big questions.
What is the process of evolution by natural selection?
The process of evolution by natural selection has produced solutions to two basic problems of life—survival and reproduction—and they are called mechanisms.
What are mechanisms?
More specifically, mechanisms operate according to principles in different adaptive domains, number in the dozens or hundreds (maybe even thousands), and are complex solutions to specific adaptive problems.
What are physical mechanisms?
Physical mechanisms are physiological organs and systems that evolved to solve problems of survival.
What are psychological mechanisms?
Psychological mechanisms are internal and specific cognitive, motivational, and personality systems that solve specific survival and reproductive problems.
What are the categories that psychological mechanisms can be grouped into?
Psychological mechanisms relevant to personality can be grouped into three main categories: goals/drives/motives, emotions, and personality traits. They are adaptive because they help solve problems of survival and reproduction.
What does Buss’s model of personality resemble?
Buss’s model of personality very closely resembles the Big Five trait approach of McCrae and Costa but it is not identical in structure.
What is the structure of Buss’s model of personality?
Surgency/extraversion/dominance, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Emotional stability, and Openness/Intellect. Buss argues these behavioral dispositions have adaptive significance.