M1. Lesson 6: Humanistic Psychoanalysis Flashcards
While people have been torn away from nature, they have what still?
People have been torn away from their prehistoric union with nature and also with one another, yet they have the power of reasoning, foresight, and imagination.
What does self-awareness contribute to?
Self-awareness contributes to feelings of loneliness, isolation, and homelessness.
What do people do to escape loneliness, isolation, and homelessness?
To escape these feelings of loneliness, isolation, and homelessness, people strive to become united with others and with nature.
What can move people toward a reunion with the natural world?
Only the uniquely human needs of relatedness, transcendence, rootedness, sense of identity, and a frame of orientation can move people toward a reunion with the natural world.
What is a sense of relatedness?
A sense of relatedness drives people to unite with another person through submission, power, or love.
What is transcendence?
Transcendence is the need for people to rise above their passive existence and create or destroy life.
What is rootedness?
Rootedness is the need for a consistent structure in people’s lives.
What is a frame of orientation?
A frame of orientation is a consistent way of looking at the world.
What do people do to relieve basic anxiety (Humanistic Psychoanalysis)?
To relieve basic anxiety, people use various mechanisms of escape, especially authoritarianism, destructiveness, and conformity.
What do psychologically healthy people acquire (Humanistic Psychoanalysis)?
Psychologically healthy people acquire the syndrome of growth, which includes (1) positive freedom, or the spontaneous activity of a whole, integrated personality; (2) biophilia, or a passionate love of life; and (3) love for fellow humans.
What is basic anxiety?
Basic anxiety is a sense of being alone in the world.
What is a sense of identity?
A sense of identity gives a person a feeling of “I” or “me.”
What is positive freedom?
the spontaneous activity of a whole, integrated personality
What do non-psychologically healthy people do?
Other people, however, live nonproductively and acquire things through passively receiving things, exploiting others, hoarding things, and marketing or exchanging things, including themselves.
What are extremely sick people motivated by?
Some extremely sick people are motivated by the syndrome of decay, which includes (1) necrophilia, or the love of death; (2) malignant narcissism, or infatuation with self; and (3) incestuous symbiosis, or the tendency to remain bound to a mothering person or her equivalents.
What is the goal of Fromm’s psychotherapy?
The goal of Fromm’s psychotherapy is to establish a union with patients so that they can become reunited with the world.
What is Fromm’s basic thesis?
Erich Fromm’s basic thesis is that modern-day people have been torn away from their prehistoric union with nature and also with one another, yet they have the power of reasoning, foresight, and imagination.
What makes humans the freaks of the universe?
This combination of lack of animal instincts and presence of rational thought makes humans the freaks of the universe.
Who influenced Fromm?
Fromm was trained in Freudian psychoanalysis and influenced by Karl Marx, Karen Horney, and other socially oriented theorists.
What does Fromm’s theory emphasize?
Fromm developed a theory of personality that emphasizes the influence of sociobiological factors, history, economics, and class structure.
What does Fromm’s humanistic psychoanalysis assume?
Fromm’s humanistic psychoanalysis assumes that humanity’s separation from the natural world has produced feelings of loneliness and isolation, a condition called basic anxiety.
Besides being a personality theorist, Fromm was also what?
Fromm was more than a personality theorist. He was a social critic, psychotherapist, philosopher, biblical scholar, cultural anthropologist, and psychobiographer.
What are the perspectives that Fromm’s humanistic psychoanalysis uses to look at people?
Fromm’s humanistic psychoanalysis looks at people from a historical and cultural perspective rather than a strictly psychological one. It is less concerned with the individual and more concerned with those characteristics common to a culture.