M1. Lesson 5: Post Freudian Theory Flashcards
What principle does Erikson’s stages of development rest on?
Erikson’s stages of development rest on an epigenetic principle.
What is the epigenetic principle?
It means that each component proceeds in a step-by-step fashion with later growth building on earlier development.
What do people experience on every stage of Erikson’s stages of development?
During every stage, people experience an interaction of opposing syntonic and dystonic attitudes, which leads to a conflict, or psychosocial crisis.
What does resolution of the crisis produce?
Resolution of this crisis produces a basic strength and enables a person to move to the next stage.
What are biological components?
Biological components lay a ground plan for each individual that shapes ego identity.
Aside from biological components, what also shapes ego identity?
A multiplicity of historical and cultural events also shapes ego identity
What does each basic strength have?
Each basic strength has an underlying antipathy that becomes the core pathology of that stage.
What is the first stage of development? (Post-Freudian Theory)
The first stage of development is infancy, characterized by the oral-sensory mode, the psychosocial crisis of basic trust versus mistrust, the basic strength of hope, and the core pathology of withdrawal.
What is the infancy stage characterized by?
oral-sensory mode
What is the psychosocial crisis of infancy?
Basic trust versus mistrust
What is the basic strength of infancy?
Basic strength of hope
What is the core pathology of infancy?
What is the second stage of Erikson’s stages of development?
Early childhood. During this, children experience the anal, urethral, and muscular psychosexual mode; the psychosocial conflict of autonomy versus shame and doubt; the basic strength of will; and the core pathology of compulsion.
What is early childhood characterized by?
During this, children experience the anal, urethral, and muscular psychosexual mode
What is the psychosocial conflict of early childhood?
Autonomy versus shame and doubt
What is the basic strength of early childhood?
the basic strength of will
What is the core pathology of early childhood?
the core pathology of compulsion.
What is the third stage of the Psychosocial stages of development?
During the play age, children experience genital-locomotor psychosexual development and undergo a psychosocial crisis of initiative versus guilt, with either the basic strength of purpose or the core pathology of inhibition.
What psychosexual stage does the play age characterize?
children experience genital-locomotor psychosexual development
What is the psychosocial crisis of the play age?
a psychosocial crisis of initiative versus guilt
What is the fourth stage of Erikson’s stages of development?
School-age children are in a period of sexual latency but face the psychosocial crisis of industry versus inferiority, which produces either the basic strength of competence or the core pathology of inertia.
What psychosexual stage are school-age children characterized by?
School-age children are in a period of sexual latency