M.13 Flashcards
primary motor cortex
supplementary motor area
Frontal Eye Fields
Broca’s Area
third order neuron
second order neurons
first order neruons
First order neurons
- motor pathway that controls movements of fingers, hands, arms, trunk, legs, feet
Corticospinal tract
(cortex to spine, motor)
- Ascending tract, carries sensory information for propreoception
(from spine to cerebellum)
spinothalmic tract
The corticospinal cord connects into the anterior horn and into green neurons.
Alpha Motor Neuron
- The corticospinal cord connects into the anterior horn and into the motor neurons
effector neurons
- large collection of axons
- connects the telencephalon with diencephalon
internal capsule
- in medulla
- made of motor processes or pyramidal tracts
- crossing of the motor fibers
pyramidal decussation
- the nerve after the pyramidal decussation
- respond to pain and temperature
free nerve endings
- fine touch and pressure receptors
Tactile Merkel’s Disk
- touch receptor that detects stretch
Ruffini Corpuscle
- senses fine touch, pressure, and slow vibration
Meissner’s Corpuscle of Touch
discovered by anatomist Georg Meissner (1829–1905) and Rudolf Wagner[1]) are a type of mechanoreceptor.
- senses movement on skin surface that disturbes hair
hair root plexus
- sense deep pressure and high-frequency vibration
Laminated Pacinian Corpuscle
dermatomes sense the thumb
dermatomes sense index finger
dermatomes sense nipple line.
dermatomes sense umbilicus
dermatomes sense lower extremities like leg.
- made of skin covering sebaceous and sweat glands.
Lacrimal caruncle
- exocrine glands
- secretes tears
- antimicrobial enzymes
Lacrimal gland
- drains lacrimal fluid into lacrimal sac
Lacrimal canaliculus
- serves as reservoir for tear overflow
- pumping driven by blinking.
- provides passage towards nasal cavity
Lacrimal sac
- carries tears from lacrimal sac into the nasal cavity.
Nasolacrimal duct
- attached to the lateral wall of the nasal cavity;
- increase epithelial surface area
- create turbulence in the inspired air
Inferior nasal concha
- small channels commence at puncta lacrimalia
- that drains excess tears into the nose
lacrimal ducts
- collect tears produced by the lacrimal glands
lacrimal punctum
- tissue that lines inside of eyelids
- covers sclera (white).
- refracts light,
- 2/3rds of the eye’s total optical power
- controls size of the pupil
- amount of light reaching the retina.
- changes shape
- refracts light to be focused on the retina.
- Connects ciliary body with the lens
- Allows for adjustment and focusing of the lens
Zonular fibers
- Functions to moist and lubricated.
- Protects.
- Small blood vessels in membrane
Bulbar conjunctiva
- the boundary between the ciliary muscle and the retina
Ora serrata
- the light-sensitive inner surface of the eye
- contains rods and cones, neurons begin processing of visual information
(neural portion)
- blood vessels nourish outer layers of the retina.
- middle, vascular layer of the eye
- fibrous, protective, outer layer of eye
- responsible for sharp central vision
- contains small depression in the retina
Fovea centralis
- ganglion cell axons leaving the eye
- small blind spot
Optic disc
- transmits visual information from the retina to the brain
Optic nerve
- supplies all nerve fibers that form the optic nerve
Central retinal artery