Lyubkh Flashcards
Lyubkh: A Meta-Analysis of Leadership and Workplace Safety: Examining Relative
Importance, Contextual Contingencies, and Methodological Moderators: Was waren die Hypothesen?
H1: positive Beziehung mit Arbeitsplatzsicherheit haben change, task & relational oriented (ja)
H2: negative Beziehung haben passive & destructive (teilweise ja)
H3: Viel Varianzaufklärung auf proximale Arbeitsplatzsicherheitskonstrukte haben task (jein), relational (jein), wenig haben change (jein), passive (nein), destructive (jein)
H4: Low Power distance => stärkerer Zusammenhang change (ja), relational (nein), destructive (ja), => schwächer: task (nein), passive (ja)
H5: in High Risk schwächer (ja): change, relational, destructive, stärker: task (ja), passive (nein)
Lyubkh: A Meta-Analysis of Leadership and Workplace Safety: Examining Relative
Importance, Contextual Contingencies, and Methodological Moderators: Was waren die offenen Forschungsfragen?
1. age-group
2. Safety-Specific vs. general leadership
3. methodologische (Publikationsstatus, Studiendesign, Analyselevel)
Lyubkh: A Meta-Analysis of Leadership and Workplace Safety: Examining Relative
Importance, Contextual Contingencies, and Methodological Moderators: Sind age groups Moderatorvariable?
Lifespan Theory bestätigt
Lyubkh: A Meta-Analysis of Leadership and Workplace Safety: Examining Relative
Importance, Contextual Contingencies, and Methodological Moderators: ist kontextualisiert besser?
für einige bestätigt
möglicherweise wegen ähnlichem Wording
=> weniger Outcomes
Lyubkh: A Meta-Analysis of Leadership and Workplace Safety: Examining Relative
Importance, Contextual Contingencies, and Methodological Moderators: Was waren die Ergebnisse für die methodologischen moderatoren?
Publication Bias teilweise
Common-Method Variance Teilweise
Analyselevel teilweise
Lyubkh: A Meta-Analysis of Leadership and Workplace Safety: Examining Relative
Importance, Contextual Contingencies, and Methodological Moderators
Was war der theoretische Hintergrund? 6
Theory of Performance (Workplace Safety Taxonomy)
Regulatory Focus Theory (Prevention and Promotion foci drive amployees’ sagety-related reactions)
Implicit Leadership Theory (was zu Prototyp passt, funktioniert besser)
Situational Leadership Theory (Kompetenz & Willingness => Readiness -> wie viel Direction/Support braucht Person)
Lifespan Theories (individuelle Werte & Motivationen variieren über Lebensabschnitte)
Leadership Contingency Theory (Effektivität je nach situationaler Passung)
Lyubkh: A Meta-Analysis of Leadership and Workplace Safety: Examining Relative
Importance, Contextual Contingencies, and Methodological Moderators: Welche Methodologischen Moderatoren gab es?
Publication status
Study Design
Level of Analysis
Lyubkh: A Meta-Analysis of Leadership and Workplace Safety: Examining Relative
Importance, Contextual Contingencies, and Methodological Moderators: Welche kontextuellen Moderatoren gab es?
Power Distance
Industry Risk
Safety-specifiv vs. general leadership
Lyubkh: A Meta-Analysis of Leadership and Workplace Safety: Examining Relative
Importance, Contextual Contingencies, and Methodological Moderators: Welche Führungsverhalten wurden untersucht?
Passive Leadership
Destructive Leadership
Lyubkh: A Meta-Analysis of Leadership and Workplace Safety: Examining Relative
Importance, Contextual Contingencies, and Methodological Moderators: Was ist die Safety Taxonomy?
Greifbar: Safety Outcomes
Safety Performance: Participation & Compliance
Proximal: Safety Motivation, Knowledge
Distal (proximal für Führungsverhalten): Einstellungen, Klima
Lyubkh: A Meta-Analysis of Leadership and Workplace Safety: Examining Relative
Importance, Contextual Contingencies, and Methodological Moderators: Was sind praktische Implikationen?
Mischung aus Task- und relational-oriented am besten
Lyubkh: A Meta-Analysis of Leadership and Workplace Safety: Examining Relative
Importance, Contextual Contingencies, and Methodological Moderators: Was sind Future Direction=
mögliche kurvilineare Beziehung zu Führungsverhalten testen
Shared Leadership
Lyubkh: A Meta-Analysis of Leadership and Workplace Safety: Examining Relative
Importance, Contextual Contingencies, and Methodological Moderators: Was sind Schwächen?
75% Männer
keine Pfadanalysen -> Kausalität?
Nur signifikante Moderatoreffekte berücksichtigt
Klassifizierung junge Stichprobe
Lyubkh: A Meta-Analysis of Leadership and Workplace Safety: Examining Relative
Importance, Contextual Contingencies, and Methodological Moderators: Was war die Auswertungsmethode?
H1 & H2: Bivariate Analysen von Effektstärken (I^2 als wie viel Prozent der totalen Variabilität in einem Set von Effektstärken liegt an wahrer Heterogenität)
H3: Relative Weight Analysis (Epsilon)
Moderatoranalysen: Between-Level Q-Tests (signifikant, wenn Between group differenzen mehr Varianz erklären als within-group)
Lyubkh: A Meta-Analysis of Leadership and Workplace Safety: Examining Relative
Importance, Contextual Contingencies, and Methodological Moderators: Was war die Stichprobe?
200 Samples
N = 100.000