Barling Flashcards
Barling: Effects of Transformational Leadership Training on Attitudinal and Financial Outcomes:
A Field Experiment: Welche Auswertungsmethoden wurden angewandt?
Gruppenunterschiede Pretest: Multivariate Varianzanalyse, Roy-Bargman Stepdown Analyses
Effekte des Leadership Trainings: Multivariate Kovarianzanalyse UV Gruppe, Kovariate Pretest, AV Posttest
univariate ANOVAs, Roy-Bargman stepdown Analysis
Barling: Effects of Transformational Leadership Training on Attitudinal and Financial Outcomes:
A Field Experiment: Welche Konstrukte wurden erhoben?
Organizational Commitment
finanzielle Outcomes
intellectual stimulation
individualized consideration
Barling: Effects of Transformational Leadership Training on Attitudinal and Financial Outcomes:
A Field Experiment: Was sind die Stärken?
Prä Post Design
objektive Outcomes
Barling: Effects of Transformational Leadership Training on Attitudinal and Financial Outcomes:
A Field Experiment: Was war die Stichprobengröße?
KG 11
EG 9
Barling: Effects of Transformational Leadership Training
on Attitudinal and Financial Outcomes:
A Field Experiment: Was war der Theoretische Hintergrund?
Augmentation Hypothesis (Charisma hat unique Effekt)
Transformational Leadership Theory
Barling: Effects of Transformational Leadership Training on Attitudinal and Financial Outcomes:
A Field Experiment: Woraus besteht Transformationale Führung? 4
Intellectual Stimulation
Individual Consideration
Idealized Influence (als Vorbild agieren)
Inspirational Motivation
Barling: Effects of Transformational Leadership Training
on Attitudinal and Financial Outcomes:
A Field Experiment: Was sind Kernaspekte von Charismatic Leadership? 3
Vision implementation through task cues
communication style
Barling: Effects of Transformational Leadership Training
on Attitudinal and Financial Outcomes:
A Field Experiment: Was sind die schwächen?
Konstrukte, die zu transformationaler Führung gehören interkorrelieren hoch
Fokus nur auf Intellectual stimulation (und individualized consideration) -> Effekte unterschätzt
Barling: Effects of Transformational Leadership Training on Attitudinal and Financial Outcomes:
A Field Experiment: Was sind Future Directions? 5
Genauer untersuchen, wann Effekte eintreten
mehr Outcomes untersuchen
Post intervention manipulation checks
attention placebo control group
unique effekte des group-based training program vs. des individual based booster sessions
Barling: Effects of Transformational Leadership Training on Attitudinal and Financial Outcomes: A Field Experiment: Was sind die Variablen?
UV: Gruppenzugehörigkeit
AVs: organizational commitment, finanzielle Outcomes, wahrgenommene gesteigerte transformationale Führung
Kovariate: Angaben zu T1
Barling: Effects of Transformational Leadership Training
on Attitudinal and Financial Outcomes:
A Field Experiment: Was ist die Stichprobe?
n = 20 branches
Manager + 5 ihrer Mitarbeiter
kanadische Bank
Barling: Effects of Transformational Leadership Training
on Attitudinal and Financial Outcomes:
A Field Experiment: Wie ist der Ablauf
- Pretest Fragebögen + Finanzielle Sachen erheben
- 2 Wochen später Training vs. kein Training
- 5 Monate später Posttest Fragebögen + finanzielle Sachen erheben
Barling: Effects of Transformational Leadership Training
on Attitudinal and Financial Outcomes:
A Field Experiment: Woraus besteht das Training?
group-based training session
Ziel: familiarize Participants mit transformational Leadership
4 individual Booster sessions (Abstand 1 Monat dazwischen)
Feedback über manager leadership style aus Fragebögen, persönlicher action plan, Ziele setzen 1:1
Barling: Effects of Transformational Leadership Training
on Attitudinal and Financial Outcomes:
A Field Experiment: Was sind die Hypothesen?
H1: in EG mehr transformationales Führungsverhalten (ja)
H2 In EG mehr organizational Commitment (ja)
H3 in EG bessere finanzielle Performance (Privatkredite ja, Kreditkarten marginally
Barling: Effects of Transformational Leadership Training
on Attitudinal and Financial Outcomes:
A Field Experiment: Was ist der Hawthorne Effekt?
Teilnehmer ändern ihr natürliches Verhalten, weil sie wissen, dass sie an studie teilnehmen und unter Beobachtung stehen