Luther Leads the Reformation I Flashcards
renaissance emphasis on the secular and individual challenged church authority:
printing press spread secular ideas, rulers began to challenge church’s political power, germany= difficult for pope or emperor to impose central authority, northern merchants resented paying church taxes to rome
-leaders were corrupt:
popes patronized arts, spent extravagantly on personal pleasure, fought wars, pope alexander VI: fathered several children, popes= too busy pursuing worldly affairs to have much time for spiritual duties
-lower clergy corrupt:
poorly educated, scarcely read, broek priestly vows by marrying, drank to excess or gambled
-influenced by reformers…..:
people had come to expect higher standards of conduct from priests and church leaders, europeans were reading religious works and forming their own opinions about the church, john wycliffe and jan hus,desiderius erasmus and thomas more
-john wycliffe and jan hus
advocated church reform, denied pope had right to worldly power, taught bible had more authority than church leaders did
-desiderius erasmus and thomas more:
added to voices to the chorus of criticism
-johann tetzel:
raising money to rebuild st. peter’s cathedral in rome, sold indulgences, gave people impression that by buying indulgences: they could buy their way into heaven
pardon, released a sinner from performing the penalty that a priest imposed for sins, supposed to affect god’s right to judge
-95 theses:
posted on door of castle church in wittenberg and invited other scholars to debate him, someone printed luther’s words, luther’s name was known all over germany
-beginning of reformation
actions of luther
movement for religious reform, led to founding of christian churches that did not accept pope’s authority
people could win salvation only by faith in god’s gift of forgiveness, all church teachings should be clearly based on words of bible, all people with faith were equal
people could win salvation only by faith in god’s gift of forgiveness:
church taught that faith and good works were needed for salvation
-all church teachings should be clearly based on words of bible:
both pope and church traditions were false authorities
-all people with faith were equal:
people did not need priests to interpret bible for them
-luther’s protests from eyes of people
way to challenge church control
-church officials and luther
first thought he needed to be punished, but when ideas became popular, pope realized he was a serious threat
-pope leo x and luther
pope threatened luther with excommunication, but then his students at wittenberg burned decree, pope excommunicated luther
-charles V
holy roman emperor
-charles V and luther:
summoned luther to town of worms, told to take back his statements
-after speech:
charles issued edict of worms
-edict of worms
imperial order, declared luther outlaw and heretic, no one in empire was to give luther food or shelter, books to be burned
-prince frederick the wise of saxony
disobeyed emperor, sheltered luther in one of his castles, there luther translated new testament into german
-return from castle
luther saw ideas were already put into practice, followers and him became separate religious group