Lungs at extreme conditions Flashcards
what happens to FiO2 at altitude
- same amount of oxygen at high altitudes, just different pressures
what is the alveolar gas equaiton
PAO2 = PiO2 - PaCO2/ R
what is PiO2 at sea level
what is an equation for PiGas
PiGas = Patm x FiGas
what happens to lungs as you ascend
CO2 drops because hypoventilation occurs
- become alkalotic initially so pH rises
- pressure of inspired air falls
what is the adaptive change to hypoxia
alkalosis compensated by renal bicarbonate secretion
what is the effect of hyperventilation due to hypoxia
increased ,minute ventilation
PaCO2 de creases
alkalosis initially
what are risk factors for acute mountain sickness
recent travel ove r2500m
younger people
altitude/ rate of ascent/ previous AMS history
what are the criteria for AMS
headache and 1 other symptom, ascend over 2500m
lake louis scare > 3
can you continue ascent with AMS
NO!! never go higher
what does HAPE stand for
high altitude pulmonary oedema
what are criteria for HAPE
unacclimated individual, AMS, cough and shortness of breath, rapid ascent above 8000ft
what reduces risk of HAPE
Sleeping below 6000ft
what is the incidence of HAPE at 4000m
what is the treatment for HAPE
oxygen, decsent, Gamow bag, steroids, calcium blockers