Lung exam Flashcards
Barrel Chest
Increased AP diameter; normal in infancy and sometimes in aging or COPD
Funnel Chest
Pectus Excavatum; chest is depressed
Pigeon Chest
Pectus Carinatum; sternum is displaced anteriorly
Flail chest
paradoxical movement of a portion of the chest wall; due to multiple rib fractures
Palpable vibrations transmitted through the bronchopulmonary tree to the chest wall when the patient speaks; increases from air, fluid to solid
Fremitus Technique
Use ball of hand on pt chest and ask them to say 99 or 111
Used to determine resonance; hollow sound may indicate pneomothorax
Percussion technique
Place non-dominant hand on pt chest, spread fingers out and place middle finger withing intercostal, tap using dominant hand, compare right and left
Used to hear breath sounds and abnormal sounds
Auscultation technique
Ask pt to breathe through open mouth, listen over same areas as percussed, alternate between left and right sides
Crepitations; unique crackling sound of the lung, heard during inspiration, caused by snapping open of airways that have been collapsed by fluid or exudate
Bibasal crackles
Due to fibrosis or mild pulmonary edema
Localized crackles
Due to pneomonia
Widespread crackles
Sever pulmonary edema
Pleural rub
Leathery sound which occurs on chest movement when two pleural layers rub together, heard with inspiration and expiration