lung cancer Flashcards
what is the presentation of lung cancer?
- primary tumour
- local invasion
- metastases
- non-metastatic (paraneoplastic)
what are the symptoms of lung cancer?
- haemoptysis
- recurrent pneumonia on the same side
- stridor = wheeze on inspiration
- shortness of breath
what are the local invasions of tumours that can cause symptoms?
- recurrent laryngeal nerve
- pericardium = breathless, atrial fibrillation, pericardial effusion
- oesophagus = dysphagia
- brachial plexus
- pleural cavity
- superior vena cava
what are the signs of anastomoses to inferior vena cava?
torturous veins on abdominal
what happens when with a tumour encasing left pulmonary artery?
- breathlessness and haemoptysis
what are the common sites for metastases in lung cancer?
liver, brain, bone, adrenal , skin, lung
what happens with cerebral metastases?
- insidious onset
- weakness
- visual disturbance
- headaches = worse in morning, not photophobic
- fits
what does cerebral metastases look like on a CT scan?
what symptoms are associated with liver metastases?
- capsulated pain
what are the symptoms or bone metastases?
may have no pain at all
what are the non-metastatic (paraneoplastic) symptoms?
- finger clubbing
- hypertrophy pulmonary osteoarthropathy - HPOA = bone scan
- weight loss
- thrombophlebitis = inflammation of superficial veins with blood clots in them
- hypercalcaemia
- hyponatrawmina - SIADH
- weakness - eaton lambert syndrome
what is hypercalcaemia?
- high calcium
- sones (renal/bilary calculi)
- bones (bone pain)
- groans (abdomnial pain,
- constipation, N+V)
- thrones (polyuria)
- phychiatric overtones (depressoins, anxiety, reduced GCS, coma)
- cardiac arrythmias
what is the treatment of hyercalcaemia?
- initial treatment is rehydration
- if calcium is high on admission (>4) or does not correct with fluid then also use IV bisphosphonate
- treat underlying cancer - usually squamous cell
what is SIADH?
- syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone
- usually small cel lung cancer
- results in low sodium concentration
- generalised non-specific symptoms
what is the treatment of SIADH?
- treat underlying cause
- fluid restriction - 1.5L/day
- somtimes need demeclocycline
how to take a history of lung cancer
- cough
- haemoptysis
- cigarette smoker
- breathelssness
- weight loss
- chest wall pain
- tiredness
- recurrent infection
- other smoking related disease
- is there anything you’re worried about?
how to examine for lung cancer?
- finger clubbing
- breathlessness
- cough
- weight loss
- bloated face
- hoarse voice
- lymphadoneopathy
- trachael deviation
- dull percussion
- stridor
- enlarged liver
how do we investigate lung cancer?
- full blood count
- coagulation screen
- Na, K, Ca, Alk phos
- spirometry, FEV1
- chest xray
- CT scan of thorax
- PET scan
- bronchoscopy
- endobronchial ultrasound (EBUS)
- not sputum cytology
what is a PET scan in relation to lung cancer?
- scan to asses function rather than structure
- analysis of tissue uptake of radiolabelled glucose
- tissues with high metabolic activity “light up”
how do you make a tissue diagnosis?
- bronchoscopy
- CT guided biopsy
- lymph node aspirate
- aspiration of pleural fluid
- endobronchial ultrasound
- thoracoscopy
local effects of lung cancaer
- obstruction of airway (pneumonia)
- invasion of chest wall (pain)
- ulceration (haemoptysis)
what are the classifications of lung tumours?
- very heterogeneous
- smoking associated =
- adenocarcinoma
- squamous carcinoma
- small cell carcinoma
- large cell carcinoma
- neuroendocrine tumours
- bronchial gland tumours
survival of small cell
worst, almost all dead in one year
survival of large cell
worse than squamous or adenocarcinoma