Lumbar Spine Outcome Measures Flashcards
Statistical significance does not equal what?
Clinical significance
Minimal detectable change
Change is beyond statistical error in measurement
Minimal clinically important difference
Smallest noted clinically significant change
What are common forms to fill out for low back disorders?
Fear avoidance belief
What are the items of the oswestry questionnaire?
8 ADLs
2 pain
What is the scoring on the oswestry questionnaire?
What does a higher score mean in the oswestry questionnaire?
Higher disability
What is the fear avoidance beliefs questionnaire?
Assess patient beliefs about work and PA
What are the items of the fear avoidance beliefs questionnaire?
5 PA
11 work
What is the scoring of the fear avoidance beliefs questionnaire?
Body chart
Excellent tool to track symptom location and quality
Global rating of change scale
Assess overall response to care
What are questions asked in the asterisk sign?
Movements/positions that aggravate or reproduce symptoms