Hip Medical Screening (2) Flashcards
What are possible conditions with an anterior hip problem?
Stress fracture
Transient synovitis
Femoroacetabular impingement
Labral tear
Iliopsoas bursitis
Groin injuries
What are possible conditions if there is a posterior hip problem?
Piriformis syndrome
Ischiofemoral impingement
Lumbar source (radicular)
What are some possible conditions if there is a lateral hip problem?
Gluteal muscle tendonitis
Where would injuries occur if someone was more likely to have sinister hip problems?
Anterior and posterior
Look at slide 3 and learn visceral areas
What is the difference in systemic and msk for description?
Systemic- knife like
Msk- stiff
What is the difference in systemic and msk for location?
Systemic- unilateral or bilateral
Msk- unilateral
What is the difference in systemic and msk for duration?
Systemic- doesn’t change with position
Msk- changes with position
What is the difference in systemic and msk for night pain?
Systemic- difficulty returning to sleep
Msk- easy to return to soeep
What is the difference in systemic and msk for aggravating factors?
Systemic- can’t make worse organ dependent
Msk- altered with movement
What is the difference in systemic and msk for easing factors?
Systemic- can’t make better
Msk- rest or change position
What is osteonecrosis of the femoral head?
Bone and bone marrow cell death due to poor arterial supply
Who is most likely for osteonecrosis of the femoral head?
Males age 20-50
What are some signs of osteonecrosis of the femoral head?
Unknown hip pain
Night pain
What is the gold standard for diagnosis in osteonecrosis of the femoral head?
What are symptoms of hip joint infection?
Unknown joint pain
Current or recent skin rash
What are clinical signs of hip joint infection?
Temp >100° F
BP > 160/95 mmHg
Resting pulse >100 bpm
Respiration rate > 25 breaths/min
Fatigue and signs of inflammation
Elevated lab values
What can lead to psoas abscess?
Any inflammation/infectious process in abdomen/pelvis
What is psoas abscess?
Psoas muscle not separate from the abdominal or pelvic cavities (muscular strain with hip held in flexion)
What is appendicitis?
Acute onset severe pain
Pain before vomiting
What are aggravating factors of appendicitis?
Hip extension
Resisted hip flexion
Jarring effect from driving over railroad tracks
Rebound tenderness
What are signs and symptoms for cancer?
Age >50
Bone pain in adolescents
Prior hx of cancer
Unexplained weight loss
> 1 month of pain
Failure to improve with conservative care
What are the 7 signs of the buttock?
SLR- limited and painful
Hip flexion limited
Empty end feel of hip flexion
Trunk flexion limited
Painful and weak hip extensors
Noncapsular pattern of restriction at the hip
Swollen butt
What are signs of a hip fracture?
Antalgic gait
Acute butt, groin, hip, or thigh pain
ROM limitations
Pain with palpation