Lumbar Spine Final (8%) Flashcards
What type of joint is a facet joint?
Synovial joint
What type of joint is the intervertebral disc?
Cartilaginous symphysis joint
What tissue composes the annulus fibrosus?
Dense fibrous tissue
annulus fibrosus allows for what?
allows compression. X pattern, able to compress
What is the function of the nucleus pulposus?
Semi-gelatinous, high water content, shifts position under compression. Does not compress. Becomes thinner under compressive forces
What does the anterior longitudinal ligament prevent?
What does the posterior longitudinal ligament prevent?
At what angle are lumbar facet joints oriented?
90 degrees
What are the primary spinal curves?
Thoracic and sacral
What are the secondary spinal curves?
Cervical and lumbar
What is the origin and insertion of the iliocostalis muscle?
O: Posterior iliac crest, sacrum, lumbar vertebrae
I: Angles of lower ribs
What is the action of the multifidus muscle?
Stabilizes, extends, and rotates the spine
What is the action of the longissimus muscle?
Extends and laterally bends the vertebral column
What is the origin of the rotatores muscles?
Transverse processes of lumbar regions
What is the insertion of the rotatores muscles?
Lamina and spinous process of spine above, spanning one or two segments
What is the distal cone-shaped end of the spinal cord called?
Conus medullaris
What are the spinal meninges?
Dura mater, arachnoid mater, pia mater
What is the filum terminale?
Connective tissue anchoring the spinal cord distally to the coccyx
How many pairs of spinal nerves are there?
Which roots contain motor fibers?
Ventral (anterior) roots
Which roots contain sensory fibers?
Dorsal (posterior) roots
What does the lumbar plexus innervate?
Gluteal region and posterior thigh
What nerves arise from the sacral plexus?
Sciatic nerve, gluteal nerve, pudendal nerve
Primary curves are:
Presents at birth & Kyphotic
Secondary Curves are:
Develop from movement against gravity
Concave posteriorly (lordotic)
Cauda equina:
nerve roots beyond the end of spinal cord
Distal end of the cord is cone shaped:
conus medullaris