Luci April 1st 2024 Flashcards
fresh orange juice
jugo de naranja fresco
we sat
nos sentábamos (nos sentamos)
comida casera
we went (many times)
we walked everywhere
caminábamos a todas partes
walking with dogs
caminando con los perros
purple jacaranda
jacarandá morados
3 words for neighborhood
la vecindad, barrio, colonia
we will go
in order to go
para ir
blue walls
paredes azules
she could paint her cast
Ella podia pintarse con su yeso
a photo
una foto
would we want a guide?
queríamos un guia?
he explained or he gave explanations
el explicaba o daba explicaciones
we were understanding a lot
we understood
entendíamos mucho
they joined us
you joined us
she joined us
se unieron a nosotras
te uniste a nosotras
se unió a nosotras
qué pensaba sobre las dos candidatas a president
o que se presentan
what they thought about..
presentarse - to run
they were enthusiastic for her
estaban entusiasmados por ella
el presidente actual
she says aggressive things
dice cosas agresivas
bien conocida/o
they were coming
estuvieron viniendo
he promised he would fix it
prometió que lo arreglaría
a problem
un problema
está bien
when I go in May
cuando me vaya en mayo
to see Gabe
a ver a Gabe
before the
antes que el
they were treated horribly
fueron tratados horriblemente como animales
it’s very quiet
es muy tranquilo
a character
un personaje
the people seemed content
las personas parecían contentas
sub of ayudar
ayudara (imp subj)
2 days ago
mas tarde
magical realism
el realismo mágico
another place
otro lugar
I was thinking
estaba pensando
in a school
en una escuela
for me
for the girl
para mí
para la chica
a race
un carrera
it was organized
estaba organizado
a present for me
un regalo para mí