Lower MSK Flashcards
What is sciatica
Irritation to the sciatic nerve
Cause of sciatica?
Result of irritation of the nerve and not injury
Sciatica symptoms
Unilateral pain that radiates below the knee to the foot
Pain is more severe than the back pain
Numbness, parathesia, weakness, loss of tendon reflex
What does TUNAFISH mean and what is it used for?
Unexplained weight loss
Neurological symptoms
Age< 20, >50
IV drug misuse
Steroid use
History of cancer
what does trendelenburg sign mean?
Trendelenburg’s sign is found in people with weak or paralyzed abductor muscles of the hip
Look like they’re standing on one side of leg
What is an antalgic gait?
Painful gait
What is bursitis
Bursitis is often caused by repetitive movement or an injury. It can lead to painful swelling of a joint.
what are the 4 most important ligaments of the knee
Anterior cruciate ligament
Posterior cruciate ligament
Lateral collateral ligament
Medial collateral ligament
what is the ballottement test?
to test ballottement the examiner would apply downward pressure towards the foot with one hand, while pushing the patella backwards against the femur with one finger of the opposite hand.
what is bakers cyst
A Baker’s cyst, also known as a popliteal cyst, is a type of fluid collection behind the knee. Often there are no symptoms. If symptoms do occur these may include swelling and pain behind the knee, or knee stiffness. If the cyst breaks open, pain may significantly increase with swelling of the calf
what is the longest and widest nerve in the human body?
Sciatic Nerve
What are the knee landmarks?
Distal head of femur
Fibular head
Tibia head
Lateral collateral ligament
Medial collateral ligament
Anterior cruciate ligament
Posterior cruciate ligament
Patella ligament
What are the hip landmarks
Iliac crests
Greater trocanter
Lesser trocanter
Femoral Pulse
Neck of Femur
What are the ankle/foot landmarks
Distal head of tibia
Distal head of fibia
Medial + Lateral melleous
Anterior talofibular ligament
Posterior talofibular ligament
Calcaneofibular ligament
Deltoid ligament
Base of 5th metatarsel
Proxima; fibular head
What is the Anterior/Posterior drawer test and what does it test for?
To test for ACL/PCL tear.
Pt lays supine with leg bent
Sit on pts foot
Pull knee toward you (ACL)
Push knee away from you (PCL)
There should be no pain or laxity
What is the Lachman’s test and what does it test for?
To test for ACL rupture
Pt lays supine
Put your leg/knee under their knee so that pts leg is resting bent on yours
Pull just under knee toward you to test for laxity in the knee. If there is too much laxity and no firm end point of laxity then ACL can be injured.
What is the Varus/Valgus stress test and what does it test for?
To test for MCL/LCL injury
Pt lays supine
Put one hand on ankle and one hand on pts thing
Pull ankle laterally keeping the knee still.
Pull ankle medially keeping the knee still.
What is the McMurray’s test/Teardrop and what does it test for?
To test for meniscal tear
Pt lays supine
Bend pts leg at 90 degrees in air
Rest pts foot on your forearm
Extend and bend pts leg, repeat a couple times at different angles
What is the Apley test and what does it test for?
To test for meniscal tear
Lay pt on stomach
Bend leg at 90 degrees
Laterally and medially rotate the knee, holding the ankle with both hands.
What is the Patella apprehension test and what does it test for?
To test for tendon laxity (patella dislocation)
Lay pt supine
Put pressure laterally on patella
Then bend pts leg 90degress and extend a few times
To test positive on this test, pts knee shouldnt hurt but should have strange sensation.
What is the Ottawa knee rule?
To indicate whether a pt needs an xray with a knee injury
Over 55 yrs old
Inability to weight bare
Tenderness of the patella
Inability to bend knee 90 degrees
What is haemarthrosis?
Bleeding into the knee joint cavity
What is the Simmonds Test and what does it test for?
To test for a ruptured achilles heel
Get pt to kneel on a chair
Squeeze each calf
Foot should move a little bit when you squeeze the calf, no movement suggests achilles tear.
What is the ottawa ankle/foot rule?
Rule to see if pt needs xray on foot
Tenderness of base of 5th metatarsel
Navicular tenderness
Tenderness of the lateral and medial mallolus
Inability to weight bare