ENT Flashcards
What is conductive hearing loss?
Sound is blocked in the external or middle ear
What is sensorineural hearing loss?
Impairment develops with damage to the
organ of Corti, (coverts stimulus into nerve
impulse) or the cranial auditory nerve (VIII)
How is palpation of the ear done?
Gently – pull on pinna and push on tragus
Gently palpate over mastoid bone (pain and swelling)
What is the Webers test?
A tuning fork test
Detects unilateral conductive hearing
loss (middle ear hearing loss) and unilateral
sensorineural hearing loss (inner ear hearing
Tuning fork goes behind ear ON BONE
What is Rinnes test?
The Rinne test differentiates sound
transmitted through air conduction from
those transmitted through bone conduction
via the mastoid bone. By comparing air and
bone conduction, it helps detect conductive
hearing loss in one ear.
Tuning fork hovers in air, not on bone
What is an Auricular Haematoma?
When blood accumulates in the sub perichondral
space and results in decreased blood flow,
cartilaginous necrosis and infection
Needs essential management
What is mastoiditis?
Infection and inflammation of the mastoid air cells –
* Pus formation
* Can cause bone necrosis
What is cerumen?
Ear wax
What should we do with FBOs in ear?
Leave them, do not attempt to remove
What is Otitis Externa?
Inflammation of the external
auditory canal
What is the difference between childrens ears and adult ears?
The Eustachian tubes, are at more of a horizontal angle, than those of adults.
What is Otitis Media?
The presence of inflammation in the middle ear
associated with an effusion.
What is Labyrinthitis?
An Infection that causes inflammation in the
inner ear
What are some symptoms of Labyrinthitis?
-Nausea and Vomiting
-Loss of hearing (sensorineural)
-Vertigo – illusion of movement is constant and on-going
-Loss of balance
What are some signs and symtoms of a Temporal Bone Fracture?
-bloody discharge from the ear
-blood in the middle ear
-Dizziness / vertigo
-altered eye movement
-paralysis of the facial muscles
What is Acoustic Neuroma?
An acoustic neuroma is a rare, slow-growing tumour that presses on the
hearing and balance nerves.
It’s treatable and it’s benign, which means it is not cancerous.
What are some symptoms of acoustic neuroma?
-Unilateral Deafness.
-Occasional Vertigo
-Persistant numbness
-Occasional dysphagia
What is Bells Palsy?
Acute unilateral facial nerve caused by swelling of
the facial nerve in the facial canal resulting in lower
motor neurone paralysis
What are some symptoms of Bells Palsy?
- Sharp pain in inner ear
- Impaired or altered sense of taste
- Sensitivity to loud noise
- Inability to close eye on affected side.
- Dysphasia
What are all of he paranasal sinuses?
Frontal sinuses
Ethmoid air cells
Eye sockets
Sphenoid sinuses
Maxillary sinuses
What is Sinusitis?
Sinus infection
What is Glandular Fever?
- An infectious disease caused by a virus called Epstein-Barr virus (EBV).
- Sometimes called the ‘kissing disease’ because the virus is spread through saliva and
commonly affects teenagers and young adults. - Symptoms of glandular fever, typically appear 4 to 8 weeks after being infected with
What are some symptoms of glandular fever?
-sore throat, which can be severe;
-enlarged lymph nodes (glands), usually in the neck;
-swollen tonsils;
-muscle aches.
What is Pharyngitis?
Inflammation of the mucous membranes of
the oropharynx