Lower Leg Flashcards
Posterior leg nerve supply
L4- saphenus to medial aspect
L5- lateral rural and medial plantar nerve to lateral aspect
S1- sural nerve supplier lower 1/2 lateral leg
S1- calcaneal branch of tibial N supplies heel and lateral plantar nerve
S2- posterior femoral cutaneous to upper 1/3 medial aspect
Anterior leg and foot nerve interaction
L4 - saphenus to medial aspect
L5 - lateral sural to upper 1/2 lateral aspect
L5- superficial fibular to bottom 1/2 lateral aspect and most of dorsum of foot
L4/L5 - medial plantar nerve to medial 3.5 toes
L5/S1- lateral plantar nerve to lateral 1.5 toes
L5- deep fibular to web of big toe
S1 - sural to lateral border of foot
O: medial and lateral epicondyle of femur
I: calcaneal tuberosity
I: tibial N
Function: plantar flexion, weak knee flexor
O: soleal line, head of fibula
I: calcaneal tuberosity
I: tibial N
F: prime plantar flexor
O: lateral epicondyle of femur with attachment to oblique popliteal ligament
I: calcaneal tuberosity
I: tibial N
F: weak plantar flexion and knee flexion
Flexor hallucis longus
O: shaft of fibula
I: distal phalanx of big toe
I: tibial N
F: prime big toe flexor, some plantar flx
Flexor digitorum longus
O: posterior surface or tibia
I: distal phalanx of toes 2-5
I: tibial N
F: prime toe 2-5 flexor, some plantar flx
Tibialis posterior
O: shaft of tibia and fibula
I: cuboid, navicular, cuneiforms, MT 2-4
I: tibial N
F: invert, plantar flx, maintain med longitudinal arch
Peroneus longus
O: shaft of fibula
I; med cuneiform and proximal end 1st MT
I; superficial peroneal N
F: prime everter and some plantar flexion
Peroneus brevis
O: distal 2/3 shaft of fibula
I: tuberosity of 5th MT
I: superficial peroneal N
F: eversion and plantar flexion
Tibialis anterior
O: shaft and lateral condyle of tibia
I: medial cuneiform and proximal 1st MT
I: deep fibular
Prime foot inverter and some dorsiflexion
Extensor hallucis longus
O: middle 1/2 of shaft of fibula
I: distal phalynx of big toe
I: deep fib
F: prime big toe extensor some Dorsi flexion
Extensor digitorum longus
O: shaft and head of fibula + lateral condyle of tibia
I: middle and distal phalynx of toes 2-5
I: deep fibular
F: prime extensor toes 2-5 some dorsi flexion
Peroneus tertius
O: lowest fibres of EDL / distal 1/3 of fibular shaft
I: dorsal surface of proximal end 5th MT
I: deep fib
F: dorsiflex and eversion
Abductor hallucis
O: medial process calcaneal tuberosity
I: medial base of proximal phalynx toe 1
I: medial planar never
Prime abductor toe 1
Flexor digitorum brevis
O: medial process calcaneal tuberosity
I: both sides of medial phalynx toes 2-5
I: medial planar never
Flex toes 2-5
Abductor digit minimi
O: medial and lateral process of calcaneal tuberosity
I: lateral side base of 5th toe
I: lateral plantar nerve
F: prime abductor toe 5
Quadratus plantae
O: inferior surface of calcaneus
I: lateral border of FDL
I: lateral planar nerve
F: flexion of lateral 4 toes
O: tendons of FDL
I: medial side of extensor hood on lateral 4 toes
I: 1st lumbrical - medial plantar nerve, 2-4- lateral plantar nerve
F: flexion of MTP joint and PIP, DIP ext
Flexor hallucis brevis
O: Inferior cuboid and lateral cuneiform
I: 2 tendons insert to base of proximal
Phalynx of big toe
I: medial plantar nerve
F: weak flexor toe 1
Adductor hallucis
O: transverse head - deep transverse lig
Oblique head - base of 2-4 MT
I: lateral side base of proximal phalynx toe 1
F: prime adductor toe 1
Flexor digiti minimi brevis
O: base of MT 5
I: lateral base of proximal phalynx toe 5
I: lateral plantar nerve
F: weak flexor toe 5
Dorsal interosseo
O: adjacent surfaces MT bones
I: first 2: extensor hood on both sides of digit 2, lateral 2: lateral aspect extensor hood on digits 3 and 4
F: abduct toes (toe 2 can be abducted 2 ways)
Plantar interossei
O: medial shaft of MT bone
I: medial extensor hood toes 3-5
I: lateral planar
F: adduct toes 3-5
Extensor digiti brevis
O: superior surface calcaneus with some attachment to deep surface of inferior extensor retinaculum
I: 3 tendons insert into lateral side of tendons of extensor digitorum
Longus toes 2-4
I: deep fibular
F: extensor of toes
Extensor hallucis brevis
O: superior surface calcaneus with some attachment to deep surface of inferior extensor retinaculum
I: 1 tendon inserts into lateral side of tendons of extensor digitorum
Longus toe 1
I: deep fibular
F: extensor of toe 1