low effort video Flashcards
low effort attitudes
Refers to how people form their attitudes towards products that are relatively low price, less important, does not express who i am
For example: grocery store products → profitable though
Need to understand how consumers form their attitudes about low effort products and what can marketers do to influence tehse attitudes
how do people form low attitude
cognitive –> associations, heuristics
affective –> mere exposure, classical conditioning
Simple inferences
We have seen these associations for categorization
Product category, country of origin, brand name, packaging
Product category associations→ prunes have neg associations but plumbs have positive associations
Country of origin→ germany has pos associations for tech
Brand name associations: whisky are called glen through country of origin, if brands wan ti improve attitudes, choose a brand name that has pos associations
Packaging associations → has associations like glass is more positive associations than plastic, thats why wine is sold in glass even though plastic is cheaper
two heuristics used
availability and frequency
Availability heuristic: if it comes to mind quickly, it must be true → vivid information is more important/ true than less vivid information . used by marketers to imrpive attaitudes towards brands
Ex: store brands use very similar packaging to national brands → availability comes to mind that it must be true is beinhg transferred to the store brand
Ex: packaging of chocolates, higher quality= concept of quality comes to mind more qukckly, we assume that the product is higher quality, use expensive packaging to improve attitudes under low effort
Ex: sub zero beer pub→ the mechanism to pump the beer can be seen on teh lever so that if people can see ice crystals, teh concept of coldness comes to mind and we think the beer is more refreshing
Ex: pepsi cans, have a logo that has been tested by pespi to signal friendliness. Its in the shape of a smile→ bc iys in this form, idea of friendliness comes to mind quickly through availability heuristkc we think its true
Sometimes marketers will use large packaging to signal that you are getting a lot for your money even though when you open the package you might find that half of the package is empty
Packaging size brings the idea of quantity , comes to mind quickly
Logos can be chosen to be very similar to leading brands –< quality associations of global brands transferred to local brands.
Logo fonts and colours are chosen om the basis of associations that they bring. Microsoft logo has changed to change the font and colours to seem more friendly
Heuristic used by consumers to formulate attitudes
If more then better
Ex: car brands will name a bunch of features that they have
Main info then many features listed
Extra features listed aren’t things that should’ve been in the ads→ cars saying that it comes with 4 wheels
To improve attitude, list many features bc of frequency heuristic. Were looking for number of features
To note
All of the mechanism to cognitive heuristics , based on simple cognition (based on one attribute )
- availability is based on packaging or maybe brand name
Low effort attitudes are formed on the basis of one attribute or max one
High effort are formed on many attributes
affective : mere exposure
Tendency to like familiar objects
Brands like pseci coke, they advertise in print, online ads, tv so what is the logic behind advertising a brand repeatedly→ mere exposure, familaieity with the brand increases liking with the brand
If familiarity is important and repeated ads make a brand more familiar, how frequently should we advertise
Ex: bediwser frogs, how frequently should this ad be shown to increase attitudes
Increasing exposure would increase attitude→ brand becomes more familiar through mere exposure
As number of exposures increases, consumers might become bored with the ad
Boredom can reduce attitude toward the brand
how to reduce boredom in frequency
Theres an optimal point of frequency → optimal number of exposures is 5 exposures per week per person
Another way to reduce boredom→ have dif executions of the ad, dif versions
Classical conditioning
Discovered by ivan pavolv→ studied dog digestive system and the link between food and saliva
Did experiments where he would ring a bell to call the dogs and present food then measured the amount of saliva
What he found was that of the food was presented with the bell for 5 days, on the 6th day, even if we only rnag the bell, the dog still creative saliva
Conditioned stimulus can create the same result as an unstimulated stimulus → picked up in marketing
If you have an unconditioned stimulus (object that creates positive feelings by itself ) and pair it with a conditioned stimulus (a brand) and repeat this pairing, ten brand will create the same positive response as the uncoditioned stimilus
Classical conditioning in marketing
You are a beer manufacturer and your target market is male beer drinkers and want to use classical conditioning to improve attitudes
Molson is the conditioned stimulus
Unconditioned stimulus: might be an attractive woman, has positive associations by definition
If the ad pairs attractive women with beer brand for 5-6 dyas, according to classical conditioning, the positive feelings that the males have towards women will be transferred to molson
conditions for classical conditioning
1) The cs- ucs pairing is relatively novel
2) Cs precedes ucs
3 Cs is paired consistently with the ucs
4) Cs is logically linked with ucs
5) Use political opponents name for a potholed road
1) The cs- ucs pairing is relatively novel
Celebrity endorsers may be more effective at the beginning of the campaign (jst starting to endorse the brand which is the conditioned stimulus)
Celebs who endorse multiple brands may be less effective → the celebrity isnt a novel ucs anymore
Celebrity endorsers are teh unciditoned stimulus
Cs precedes ucs
Issue bc in print advertising, the cs and ucs have to be presented at the same time bc they are on the same page
Ucs is celebrity , cs is the brand and both presented at the same time→ nad for classical conditioning
Dont work well for print
Might work better in tv ads bc marketers have the possibility of presenting the brand first and then the ucs a bit later
Cs is paired consistently with the ucs
At least 5 exposures per week per person, wont work if not
Cs is logically linked with ucs
In the pavllv study, the bell was logically linked to the dog, the dog was being called by the bell to get the food
Bell played a roll in the dogs mind
Celebrity endorsements→ there must be a logical fit between the celebrity and the brand
Ex: the celeb personality should be similar to the brands personality
Ex: bruce willis and whiskey could be good together
Use political opponents name for a potholed road
Can be used to improve attitudes towards your own brand but also used to decrease attitudes towards competition
Seen in political advertisement → can change the name of streets and put their competition names on a street full of potholes
Through classical conditioning, the attitude toward the political opponent will go down over time bc as people use a bad road, they will see the name of the opponent, they will have a neg reaction toward the opponent