low effort class notes Flashcards
Color is automatically perceived => low effort influence on consumers
Color has associations in the consumer’s mind
Color be used in different brand elements
Brands can trademark a colour which is uniquely associated with the brand in the consumers mind
colour associations
Product design, packaging, advertising, store
The psychology of color
Blue is friendly… green in neutral….
Gold and purple is luxurious
If you overuse a colour people may become skeptical of weather us true or not
In terms of political colours: blue is friendly, red is exciting, etc
Colours by culture, symbolic context, health context
Anything external and visual in low effort you want to leverage fo ryou rbrand
Availability heuristic
People look at the logo
People look at the packaging → “effective” association
A national brand doesn’t want the store brand to be next to them because people are making quick inferences, need to be placed ond different shelves so store brand does not benefit from you brand
Coca cola, diet and zero sugar want to place it next to orginical so people associate them the same and don’t look at diet negatively
People are good at counting attributes quickly
The listed number of attributes on packaging, people like when they see many attributes being offered
Low effort is in the context for which you get the info about the product, not about the product itself (high cost, low cost, doesn’t matter)
Frequency→ “if more, then better”
Can use cutoffs with the frequency heuristic→ people are looking for cutoffs bc of too much info
Price anchoring can be used along with frequency → shown all benefit (frequency) and anchoring showing only 9 dollars biweekly
Natural remedy section is high money making for pharmacies because they can charge whatever they want, these natural remedies need to be marketed because they are not tested or proven to work, use frequency to show all the positive attributes of these natural remedies
Research on frequency heuristic
How many attributes should you list?
Studied tested 3 frequencies: 1, 3 and 6 attributes shown
3 different ads showing different number of attributes (frequency)
Wanted to confirm that frequency works best when people are in low effort mode
Findings: If consumers cna visualize the benefits, give them more and more attributes
mere exposure, classical conditioning, attitudes toward ads, mood
Mere exposure
mere exposure
driving on highway and see billboards (mere exposure)
Yard signs with nothing but names of political candidates (mere expoure)
this works, collected data from real elections and tract support from different precincts that had different amount of signs in neighborhoods, found that more sign gives you 1.5% of increased votes
Fiction study: ben griffon was a made up candidate and signs were put on lawns, people began to say they were voting for ben griffon due to mere name recognition → voters with low information, low effort and low availability were very susceptible to mere exposure with the fictitious candidate ben griffon
Mere exposure is just the brand itself nothing else
Classical conditioning
Brand paired with something else also presented multiple times
Pairing is often doen with a celebrity (theory behind celebrity endorsements)
Again low effort theory
Can have these endorsements which support classical conditioning
James bond and watches
Sports people endorse many things, if an endorser dilutes too many brands it dilutes the effectiveness
There needs to be a logical link between endorser and brand
Most of these are positive classical conditioning
can also do it at national or regional level
neg classical conditioning
Negative classical conditioning: one of the most effective endorsers in the past→ look at the scope of scandal, scandal from celebrities or scandal from the brands they endorse→ low effort exposure so be careful regarding negative classical conditioning
Dead celebrity= not likely to create negative classical conditioning
Can create your own celebrity
Attitude towards the ad
Humour is a popular technique
People like humour
Dual effect of positive attitude towards ad:
dual affect of positive attitude towards ad
The dual effect of a positive attitude towards an ad refers to the two key ways in which liking an ad can benefit the brand:
Enhanced Brand Attitude: When people have a positive attitude toward an ad, they’re more likely to transfer that positive feeling to the brand itself. This can result in a better overall perception of the brand, making it more appealing compared to competitors.
Increased Purchase Intention: A positive ad attitude often increases consumers’ likelihood of purchasing the product or trying the brand. When people enjoy an ad, they’re more receptive to the brand’s message and may feel a stronger urge to buy or engage with the brand, especially when the ad resonates emotionally or aligns with their value
Program context of advertising
Surrounding online game can create positive mood
Positive mood can transfer to brands being advertised during the program
Ex: sports games, can advertise strategically, canadians score so put my brand behind the net canadian team will score in
Dont advertise bad news
Offensive online content could also create negative mood
Negative mood can transfer to brands being advertised during the program
Store context and mood
Product sampling
Discounts can create positive mood
Positive mood can transfer to brands in the store
Discounts at entrance to store (or in app)
Friendly salespeople can create positive mood
Positive mood can transfer to brands in the store
Greeters at entranceto store
Carts that are unavailable/broken can create negative mood
Negative mood can transfer to brands in the store
Increasing MAO→ high effort
Increase motivation
Highlight important consumers needs in the ad/search
Increase ability
- Show ad to consumers who have knowledge about the advertised product Or educate consumers over time
Increase opportunity
- Ensure consumers are not rushed when watching ad
high vs low
High Effort Attitudes
Based on more information (multi-attribute)
Likely to be stronger and have greater influence on
* Low Effort Attitudes
Based on less information (single-attribute)
Likely to be weaker and have lesser influence on
2 ways to create positive attitudes
exposure and repetition