high effort class notes Flashcards
People mentally list attributes
People judge performance on attributes
People judge importance on attributes
People calculate attitude ‘
In general , under high effort situations, people think in a four step manner: list attributes, judge performance and importance and come up with a net value
All about brand attributes so far→ within the product ctageiry.
tora is useful for managers
Provide brand attribute matrix to consumers for easier search
Design advertising to address brand weaknesses )ie. Important attributes on which brand performance is poor
Position brand (vs competitors) on important attributes → pick two attributes and figuring out how my brand compares to other brands
Consumers think beyond product attributes
social attributes (what others think about the brand)
We take into account what others are saying→ is this person important to me and are they saying good or bad things about the brand and mentally combine these two→ similar to traditional tora but applied to the domain if others opinions
what do we also need ro take into account for the Tora
cognitive repsinses
attitude behvauiur gap
Ways to reduce the gap: implementation method, behaviour consistency and no budget constraint→ can do with the iphone
When you buy something, sometimes you are forced to sign up for things
Cognitive responses
For smaller brands, may have counter arguments
Use expert sources to deal with skepticism if people dont trust brands
Counterargument against freen claims by brands
Counteragurnets → people become skepitcal of brands that might greenwash
To overcome this, may have a third party verify that they are actually green
Addressing coungergaurmets against covid vaccine
Acknowledge the objective
Very briefly
Refute the objection
In more detail→ expert/ trusted source, examples as well as data
Not wordy or numercia, people think of trusted source, like person and pictures
If you want to build positive attitudes, use emotions first
Then give info
When do feelings have a bigger influence on attidues/ behvaiour thna thoughts
Bigger influence in the case of products where feelings are an important benefit (ie. hedonic products)–> sports/ luxury cars, perfume, movies, fashion
lesser influence for products where the key benefit is functional
Blemeishng and attitudes
Seeing minor negative information about an offering after seeing important positive information increases attitude→ compared to only seeing important positive information
Ex: going to a resto, going otno yelp and looking for reviews, all good reviews but one thats not that good, that worse review will benefit the restaurant more →
Advertising and blemishing
First saying good things about a brand followed by admitting a minor drawback
Buckleys: it tastes awful and then it works
avis : were number two, were trying to be the best
Research on blemishing
Need tow conditions: one with blemish, one without and need a moderatw effort product category
Blemishing is a sequence effect → positive then small negative
Belimsihing works when people are somewhat distracted under low effort
High effort we look carefully and notice the blemish and dont like the product
Theory of self perception and attitudes
people sometimes infer their attitudes by observing their own behvauur (rather than via product or social information)
If you want poele to buy smtg, build a positive attitude through advertisement→ self perception turns this around
We dont look at ads so get people to act
Theory of product trail
Will look at their own behaviour
coffee shop
Coffee shop: customers might infer that they like tims because they observe themselves patroniing it frequently
Actually patronage is due to convenience or collecting points on a coffee card
Give incentives to act
Related to consistency→ come to tims once, will come many times and form a positive attitude after the first time
Lets say tims is not a new brand, give people coupons to come to tims to form a positive attitude
motivational speakers and self perception
Motivational speakers→ make participants in seminars walk on fire : speaker knows that if tey will walk on fire for you, they will think its a good seminar
Facebook and self perception
Joining a facebook group for a brand, make applicants wait before they are admitted
Make people act
Scarcity too
joining a club and self perception
Sorority/ frats have hazing ritual
Installing a strong positive attitude toward the sorority
If you put up with hazing, the sorority will be worth it
Can also see with cult or gang initiation rituals→ get them to do weird things
laugh track and self perception
Laigh tracks on sitcoms→ social proof and then realize its funny
Customers mght infer they ,ike the show bc they observe themselves laughing
effective for casual viewers