high effort attitudes Flashcards
How do people form high effort attitudes
1) Cognitive
- Tora→ under decision making for high effort
- Message vs source
- Regulatory focus
2) Affective
- Imagery
Tora is useful for managers bc it tells managers under high effort situations consumers are looking to use a brand attribute matrix
Would be helpful to consumers for managers to provide a brand attribute matrix
Also useful to managers bc it gives suggestions to managers about what to do to improve the attitude toward the brand
Ex: firtolay is doing bad on the attribute of naturalness, one of the options is to change beliefs by advertising natural ingredients
Change beliefs
Current belief
Lays chips contain artificial ingredients
New belief
Lays chips are actually made of real potatoes
Cognitive: Measure vs source
Part of the information comes form the messageand part comes from the source
Ex: chips, the message is what the ad says
Teh source: who says it—> fritolays
where “measure” is the content of the message itself, while “source” is the entity or individual delivering the message. This distinction is essential in understanding how advertising impacts consumer attitude
Design message using TORA
Tora helps us design the message
We can identify that naturalness is important to consumers and see if its doung bad and tora makes suggestions on how to design the message
2 sided advertisement→ criticized and praises the brand
The other side of changing attitudes is the source
What mangers should do on the source side is increase the credibility of the source
One way to increase source credibility if you want to change attitudes: use two sided avdetrumsmts. Ads that dont just praise the brand but also criticize certain aspects of the brand, says what the brand is doing to make things right
Ex: dominoes
Two sided ads increase source credibiltuy
Increase credibility of source Using an expert source
Ex: using sidney crosby → people are more likely to believe the source like reebok
Increase credibility of the source using high status source
Hollywood stars have high status
Will be used in japan
Cognitive: Regulatory focus
Consumers have two types of regulatory focus
Promotion focus→ want to increase positive outcomes
Prevention focus→ want to reduce negative outcomes
Peopemwho are more risk seeking or more risk adverse
Firms can do market research to see the extent to which extent the consumers are promotion or prevention focus→ use questionnaires to measure
Ex: red for promotion . then they rate on a scale what they are according to the question
Then what we have to do is fit out message to the regulatory focus of the consumers (target segment)
prevention vs promotion
Promotion focus consumers
Emphasize pleasure in ad
Prevention focus consumers
Emphasize safety in ad
Talk about the bad things that our brand will help prevent
Cognitive and affective influence on attitude
Number of people served
Diseases targeted
Administrative costs
History of service
This is all cognitive
Showing pics would be affective
Charities might give info stated above
Charities also have picture appeals to create strong emotions like empathy, hope
Attitudes can be influenced by cognitive but also affective
Feelings are best created by using pictures
Ex: anti smoking ad→ shows a pic before and after of lungs when you smoke
This case shows fear (neg emotion)
Can also use positive emotions to influence attitudes → joy, excitement
Ex: b and w→ focus on the emotional aspect, ads show all about the excitment of driving