Love Actually - Evolutionary Perspective (Week 3) Flashcards
Natural Selection
-People with genes well suited to the environment will survive
Sexual selection
-preference for specific qualities in a mate to reproduce with
kin selection
-prioritizing the survival of kin/offsprings, people who share a portion of your DNA, over self
-think peacocks and their huge tails
red queen hypothesis
-frames evolution as a race
-“the red queen runs so fast to stay in the same place”
-we have to constantly evolve in order to keep up with opposing species
Why Sex?
-sexual reproduction offers the genetic diversity needed for evolution
-in evolutionary terms sex (reproduction) is more important than survival
evolutionary psychology
-examines and explains human behavior through evolution
-sees behavior as adaptive and influenced by evolution
the human brain; organ for sexual selection
-artistic expression, poetic and storytelling use of language, and humor may be developed for our desire to impress the opposite sex
-we notice and are attracted to the thoughts, feelings and actions of another
“the standard narrative’ in evolutionary psychology
-men are promiscuous and get with multiple women
-women are more conservative and choose
-both assess each other based on the quality of their offspring
sociocultural theories from Lechniller
-biology may have an influence on dating and sex but it is mainly societal norms that drive behavior
-the standard narrative is not universal
-behavior changes as norms change
sex at dawn
-states that current dating practices are not natural
-they are just adaptations to agriculture
-challenged the evolutionary perspective
homosexual relationships
-according to the evolutionary perspective queer people invest in kin selection because they can’t reproduce (disproven)
-same-sex relationships are more for social interactions
one husband one wife
one husband many wives
one wife one husband
one wife multiple husbands