Longitudinal Stability Flashcards
Forward CG On stick force and elevator authority
Increased positive longitudinal static stability
Decreased manners ability and control response - increase moment arm
Less elevator authority
More stick force
Aft CG on stick force and elevator authority
Decreased longitudinal stability
Stick force per g decreases
Restoring Moment depends on
Tailplane area
Distance between the CG and the tailplane (moment arm)
Longitudinal Stability acts around
Longitudinal axis
Pitching Moment coefficient
Moment = IAS2 x S x Cm
M = moment about the CG
Altitude on longitudinal stability
Reduces with altitude
CM/CL Grpah
Absolute angle of attack plotted with pitching moment (CM)
Static Margin
Aft CG limit to the AC neutral point
What is needed for longitudinal stability (CG position)
CG has to be in front of the neutral point by at least the static margin
CM/a Curve - Negative slope
(What stability is this?)
Represents positive static longitudinal stability
Steeper the slope greater the size of the resorting moment
CM/CL graph - Negative stability
Positive gradient
Increase in AOA results in a positive pitching moment (divergent from equilibrium)
Longitudinal Dihedral - Factor for longitudinal stability
Angle of incidence of wing and stabiliser differ - vary the trim point
Longitudinal stability factors
Neutral point - CG must be in front
Tailplane elevators - most important factor - forward cg less effective
Nacelle position - destabilising effect of thrust line
Elevator effectiveness - longitudinal stability
Forward CG greatest arm to tailplane AC - large moment therefore greatest longitudinal stability
However large control input are then required (pitch control reduced)
Effects of flaps on longitudinal stability
Reduce effectiveness of tailplane
Destabilising - reduced longitudinal stability
Stick Position Stability
Controls must move in same direction to trim
Calculating stick force g gradient
Stick force / LF - 1
Gs x lb/g
Example utility ac has 160lb/g what is the stick force per g
4.4 - 1 = 3.4gs
3.4 x 160 = 544lbs
Stick for per g meaning
More stability means more stick force to destabilise needed
Short Period Oscillations
Large rates of change of pitch attitude and AOA - 1 sec to a few seconds
No change in airspeed or altitude
Can provide excessive load factors and damage ac
Pilot Induced Oscillation
Short period oscillation
Let go of controls or hold rigid until oscillations cease
Phugoid oscillations (long)
Oscillations lasting 1-2 minutes
Attitude/height and airspeed change
Little change in aoa and load factor
Only weakly damped due to less structural risk
The pitching moment is much greater at higher IAS because
Dynamic pressure is proportional to V2
Factors that increase pitching moment coefficient
Dynamic pressure
Wing area
MAC increase
Think increasing forces that pitch the aircraft up
Fuselage gives what pitching moment
Unstable pitching moment as cp is ahead of CG