London Flashcards
Give 6 pieces of context about the poem:
-Published as part of ‘songs of innocence and experience’. This poem is one of the songs of experience reflecting the negative aspects of life
-Blake worked in London during the Victorian era, a time of great poverty and industrial change
-Reflected the church’s failure to help impoverished children
-Explores London’s children and workhouses they stayed in
-Social criticism of life in London
-Questions morality/inequality in wealth
‘I wander ____ _____ ________ ______,’
‘I wander thro’ each charter’d street,’
‘______ Thames’
‘charter’d Thames’
‘and _____ __ ______ face _ ____ marks __ ________, _____ __ ___.’
‘and mark in every face I meet marks of weakness, marks of woe.’
‘In _____ ___ of ______ ___,’
‘In every cry of every Man,’
‘In _____ _______ ___ __ fear,’
‘In every Infant’s cry of fear,’
‘In _____ voice, __ _____ ___,’
‘In every voice, in every ban,’
‘mind-_____ ________ _ ____’
‘mind-forg’d manacles I hear’
‘Chimney-sweeper’s ___’
‘Chimney-sweeper’s cry’
‘Every _________ _____ appalls;’
‘Every black’ning Church appalls;’
‘hapless ________ ____’
‘hapless Soldiers sigh’
‘Runs in ____ ____ ______ _____.’
‘Runs in blood down Palace walls.’
‘________ streets’
‘midnight streets’
‘________ Harlot’s _____’
‘youthful Harlot’s curse’
‘______ the new ____ _______ ____.’
‘Blasts the new born Infant’s tear.’
‘_______ ____ plagues the _______ _____.’
‘blights with plagues the Marriage hearse.’
Give 2 pieces of structure in the poem:
-Iambic tetrametre
-Strict ABAB rhyme scheme which never breaks
What is the form of this poem?
Ballad form - made up of quatrains