Logbooks and Other Miscellaneous Docs Flashcards
List of logbooks/records onboard?
- Official log book.
- Deck log book.
- Bridge order books.
- Compass log book.
- Radar log book.
- GMDSS Radio log book.
- Bridge maintenance records
- Chart Corrections
- Crew sign in/out log.
- Oil Records Book.
- Engine room log book.
- Controlled drugs log.
- Visitors log book / Ship security records.
- Key log book.
- Fridge/freezer temperature logs.
Official Logbook
- Commercially registered vessels >25GT, excluding fishing and pleasure
It is an offence to fail to make, or make incorrect entries
- Front Cover: name/port/official number/GT etc, Master + CoC, owner details, date & place of opening
- Record of seamen employed by the ship: reference number, position, relevant page
- Births and Deaths: Mother to sign births, Master + crewmember to sign deaths and RSS notified
- Record of musters, drills etc:Master + crewmember
- Record of test drills and inspections of steering gear: Completed within 12 hours of sailing. Master + crewmember
- Record of Inspections of Crew Accommodation: Completed once per week by Master + crewmember
- Record of Inspections of Food and Water: Completed once per week by master + crewmember
- Load Line, Depth of Loading etc: Completed when opening OLB, copied from Load Line cert
- Dates of Departure From and Arrival at Each Dock: Draughts/freeboard upon arrival/departure. Accompanied by FRE 13
- Narrative Section
Entries into narrative section of OLB
- changes of master
- the annexing of other documents to the OLB
- accidents
- casualties
- disciplinary matters
- discharge of crew members
- details of crew left behind
- desertions
- complaints
- promotions and demotions
- criminal convictions during a voyage
- illness
- deaths
- appointments of safety officers, representatives and committees
- meetings of safety committees
- wages disputes
- closing of Lists of Crew and OLB.
Oil Record Book
- Oil tankers >150GT and all ships >400GT
- Failure to carry or incorrect entries can lead to fines/imprisonment
Shall be completed and signed by master after the following operations take place:
- Ballasting or cleaning of oil fuel tanks
- (D) Discharge of dirty ballast or cleaning water from oil fuel tanks
- (C) Collection and disposal of oil residues (sludge and other oil residues)
- Discharge overboard or disposal otherwise of bilge water which has accumulated in machinery spaces
- (H) Bunkering of fuel or bulk lubricating oil
- Any failure of the oil filtering equipment (in OLB also)
- Oil tankers >150GT and all ships >400GT
Based on guidelines set out by the Organisation and written in the working language or the Master/Officers. Should include:
- Procedure to be followed by Master to report an oil pollution incident
- List of authorities or persons to be contacted in the event of an oil pollution incident (updated quarterly)
- Detailed description of the actions to be taken immediately by persons onboard, in the form of a flow chart
Garbage Logbook
- 100GT or >15 persons
- Accompanied by receipts
Contains information on:
- Date and time of discharge.
- Port or facility, or name of the receiving ship.
- Position of discharge overboard
- Category of garbage discharged.
- Estimated amount discharged for each category in cubic metres.
(v) Signature of the officer in charge of the operation.
Garbage Management Plan
- 100GT or >15 persons
Contains information on:
- Designated person onboard for implementing the plan
- Procedures for collecting, processing, storing and disposing of garbage
International Energy Efficiency Certificate & Ships Energy Efficiency Management Plan
- 400GT
- Permanent
SEEMP Plan aims to make the vessel more fuel and energy efficient and covers:
- Optimising route/weather routing
- Optimising trim, shaft power, propeller etc
- Hull resistance
Certificate is issued once these are complied with
Engine International Air Pollution Prevention Cert (EIAPP) and NOx Tech Files
- Engines >130kw installed on vessels >400GT are required to have an EIAPP
- Issued by engine manufacturer
- Permanent
- Accompanied by NOx technical files
SOx is fuel in, NOx is a by product of inefficiently burnt fuel.
Certifies engine complies with the Technical Code on Control of Emission of Nitrogen Oxides
GMDSS Logbook
- 300GT
GOCs and ships particulars to be added to front. Master to sign daily entries
- Communications relating to distress, urgency and safety + time
- Record of important incidents + time
- Ships position once per day
- Daily/weekly/monthly checks
- General remarks
Stability Booklet
- Every passage ship regardless of size and cargo ships >24m
Should be readily available to the master in a clear and easy to understand format.
* Curves or tables of minimum operational metacentric height (GM) versus draught.
* Instructions concerning the operation of cross-flooding arrangements; and
* All other data and aids which might be necessary to maintain the required intact stability and stability after damage.
Code of Safe Working Practises (COSWOP)
It is a statutory requirement that seafarers are provided with the information necessary to ensure their health and safety. The MCA considers that on UK ships this means that all those with specific responsibilities for safety should have immediate access to this Code, and that it should be readily available to all seafarers on board
Much of the SMS (>500GT) should be based on COSWOP and they should be seen as to work hand in hand.
Manoeuvering Booklet
SOLAS regulation 28 states Master should have access to information regarding the ships manoeuvrability, such as stopping distances, turning distances, squat etc
Must also have a pilot card and wheelhouse poster
Crew Certificates
Should be issued to Masters, Officers, Ratings who have met the requirements for age, training, examination, medical as set out by STCW.
Copies should be kept onboard in original form and be available at all times
Safety Training Manual
SOLAS requires both a Fire and LSA training manual.
Should contain information on:
- Donning of life jackets and immersion suits
- Muster locations
- Boarding, launching and clearing of survival craft and rescue boat
- Use of all survival equipment
- Use of all detection equipment
- Use of radio life saving appliances
- Hazards of exposure and the need for warm clothing