Local Anaesthetics Flashcards
Name some local anaesthetics which are licensed in small animal
Bupivicanine - not licensed, lasts longer than lidocaine so use on cascade
Name 4 routes you can use local anaesthetics
Nerve blocks
What is a soaker cannula and when is it used
Relatively large bore (6 - 12 French) catheters with very tiny holes
Allow distribution of local anaesthetic into the surgical site
Placed just before closing the incision and secured to the skin at the end of the surgery
What does IVRA stand for and give an example of when it would be used
IVRA = intravenous regional anaesthesia
Use in a toe amputation
Tourniquet and desanguinate distal limb, inject lidocaine and it will only diffuse up to the tourniquet
Why would you do a constant rate infusion of lidocaine
Decreases MAC and opioid use
Avoid in cats
Name 3 the methods of local anaesthesia for flank surgery in farm animals
- Line block
- Inverted L blok
- Paravertebral block
Give 2 ways you can check if a local flank block has worked in farm animals
The spine will bend towards the side you blocked
Vasodilation in the skin - will be very warm
Name 2 blocks used for foot surgery in farm animals
“Ring” block
Name 4 blocks used for eye surgery in farm animals, and give example situations
Local infiltration/ring - eyelid surgery
Retrobulbar block - enucleation
Peterson block - enucleation
Auriculopalpebral block - stops them blinking, doesn’t block pain
Name 3 types of local blocks used for teat surgery in farm animals
Ring block
Which drug is licensed for local blocks in cattle, and what are the contraindications
Contraindication - epidural or IV use
Which drug is licensed for local blocks in horses, and what are the contraindications
Contrandications - IV use
Name the 5 regional blocks of the horse head which may be used when undertaking eye surgery
- Supraorbital nerve block
- Lacrimal
- Zygomatic
- Intertrochlear
- Retrobulbar
Which nerve does the supraorbital nerve block affect and what structures does it desensitise
Frontal nerve
Desensitises the upper eyelid
Which nerve does the lacrimal nerve block affect and what structures does it desensitise
Lacrimal nerve
desensitised the lateral canthus
Which nerve does the zygomatic nerve block affect and what structures does it desensitise
Zygomatic nerve
Desensitises the lower eyelid
Which nerve does the infratrochlear nerve block affect and what structures does it desensitise
Infratrochlear nerve
Desensitises the medial canthus including the third eyelid.
Which nerve does the retrobulbar nerve block affect and what structures does it desensitise
Optic and trigeminal nerve
Sensory innervation inside eye and motor innervation around the eye