Liver Detoxification Flashcards
What does the body already do naturally on its own if it is functioning well?
What is the liver’s role in detoxification?
It has its own circulation system: the portal system
All of the toxic substances we eat and drink, inhale, and absorb
What are the liver’s phases of detoxification?
Phase 1: it transforms toxins into chemicals that it can destroy later (Ex. Transforms fat-soluble toxins to water-soluble)
Phase 2: it transforms chemicals again into harmless water soluble forms
-It adds part of amino acids from protein to molecule so enzymes can break it down
(Amino acids required are taurine, cysteine, glycine, choline, and inositol
What are symptoms of a malfunctioning liver?
Asthma or allergies
Blood sugar disorders
Chronic infections
Disrupted sleep (2-4am)
Fatigue, needing afternoon nap
Indigestion, acid reflux, especially with fatty foods
Mood swings, poor mental function, lowered stress tolerance
Nutrient malabsorption
PMS symptoms, decreased libido, infertility
Skin disorders, acne, rosacea. Unexplained weight gain, inability to lose, excessive ab fat
What are 5 ways Liver Detoxification can get off track?
Disruptions in phase 1
Disruptions in phase 2
Gallbladder dysfunction
GI tract inflammation
Liver inflammation, including fatty liver
What are disruptions in phase 1?
Liver is easily overwhelmed with breaking down large amounts of medications, drugs, and alcohol
What are disruptions in phase 2?
Exposure to things like pesticides, dioxins, heavy metals, caffeine, and alcohol can build up here because of disruptions in phase 1.
If Glutathione (very important antioxidant) is depleted, phase 2 can’t do its job
Signs include increased inflammation, weight gain, poor thyroid function, leaky gut
What is gallbladder dysfunction?
Bitter taste in the mouth after meals
Bloating after meals
Light-colored stool
Mild to severe pain in right upper abdomen
-Bile must be able to circulate from liver to GI tract, then back to liver to detoxify
What is GI tract inflammation?
Liver detoxification depends heavily on good gut bacteria
What is liver inflammation/fatty liver?
Caused by excessive alcohol and liver-toxic medications, as well as metabolic syndrome
Inflammation blocks liver’s filtration channels ad interferes with phase 1 & 2
What is metabolic syndrome?
A collection of symptoms (high blood pressure, high blood sugar, unhealthy cholesterol levels, abdominal fat) that can lead to heart disease and diabetes
What are the best ways to support a sluggish gallbladder?
Beets, artichokes, mustard, turnip, dandelion greens, daikon radish
Ginger, arugula, cilantro, turmeric, dandelion, mint, leeks, parsley, chlorophyll-rich foods, spiraling, chlorella
Increasing water intake
What are ways to decrease the toxic load on the liver?
All-natural cleaners
Antibiotic & hormone-free meats, fish, dairy
Avoid alcohol, caffeine, smoking, drugs
Avoid plastics
Chemical-free beauty & skin products
high-quality air purifier
Organic Whole Foods
Whole-house water filtration system
What are ways to support the liver through diet and lifestyle?
Decrease refined carbs
Gut microbiome health
Herbs like chlorophyll, cilantro, turmeric, dandelion root, burdock root, milk thistle, artichoke extract
High-quality protein
Beets, citrus, avocados, cruciferous vegetables
Supplements B complex, A, C, D, E
Plenty of fiber to help GI tract
Stress management
Sweat with exercise, saunas, steam rooms
What else important about the liver?
It helps to break down estrogen