Liver and hepatobiliary system Flashcards
Location of the liver
R hyperchondrium, protected by ribcage under diaphragm, under costal margin
Epigastric and L hyperchondrium
Deep to rectus abdominus
Functions of the liver
Bile production Glucose => glycogen Cholesterol production Fat and amino acid regulation Stored ion Detoxification Manufactures blood proteins in plasma Immunity, immune factor
Purpose of bile production
Breaks down fats in small bowel, secreted into duodenum
Purpose of glucose => glycogen production
Conversion of excess glucose in blood for storage, from hepatic portal vein
Purpose of cholesterol production
Help carry fats through body
Purpose of fat and AA regulation
For protein building
Purpose of immunity, immune factors
Remove pathogens that travel from intestines to liver
Relations of the liver
Intraperitoneal organ but has bare area
Surfaces in contact w ribcage and diaphragm
2 recesses in peritoneum, subphrenic, sub hepatic/hepatorenal
Anatomical liver lobes
Separated by falciform ligament, R and L lobes
Round ligament, remnant of umbilical vein
Liver segments
8 segments based on venous drainage of liver via hepatic vein
Functional lobes of the liver
L = anatomical L + caudate and quadrate, separated by ligament venosum and ligamentum teres R = remainder of R
Caudate separated by porta hepatis
Peritoneal reflections of the liver
Hepatocolic flexure Kidney Duodenal Stomach Oesophagus
Ligaments on the posterior side
Coronary ligament
Anterior leads to falciform, posterior leads to lesser omentum
R and L triangular ligament
Porta hepatus
Hepatic portal vein
Proper hepatic artery (splits into L and R, goes to each functional division) R has cystic duct
Common hepatic duct (Convergence of R and L hepatic duct)
Hepatic portal system
Foregut, drains through splenic vein
Midgut, drains from superior mesenteric vein
Hindgut, drains from inferior mesenteric vein into splenic
Systemic venous drainage
Oesophagus drains via azygos up to superior vena cava, porto systemic anastomoses
Portal blockage
If blocked up, swells with blood, round ligament opens up, blood flows into paraumbilical veins
Flow from PU into thoracoepirgastric, into L/R thoracic into superior VC
Flow from PU down into femoral veins => IVC
IVC blockage
Superficial veins swell up, blood can only travel upwards via SVC
Location of the gall bladder and biliary tract
Behind the anterior face of the liver
Structure of the biliary tract
Common hepatic duct formed from L and R hepatic ducts
Cystic duct comes off common bile duct
Common bile duct joins with pancreatic duct, surrounded by the sphincter of Oddi at the ampulla of Vater
Function of the gall bladder and biliary tract
Bile constantly being produced, sphincter contracts so duct fills up with bile
Bile stored in gall bladder
Gall bladder contracts to release contents via cystic duct
Pancreas location and function
Head, curve of duodenum
Neck, body, uncinate process
Tail, extends to spleen
Has exocrine glands (digestive enzyme release)
Endocrine glands (insulin, glucagon release)
Pancreatic arterial supply
Superior mesenteric passes under pancreas and over duodenum
Hepatic artery => gastroduodenal => ant and post sup pancreaticoduodenal
Splenic => dorsal pancreatic => transverse pancreatic
Transverse pancreatic anastomosed several times with splenic
Ducts of the pancreas
Uncinate process = ventral process
Each pancreas has own ductal drianage
2 ductal systems fused to form main pancreatic duct
Accessory duct made up of original duct from dorsal pancreas