Liver and Gallbladder Flashcards
glissons capsule
dense irregular CT
surrounds 4 lobes of liver
liver epithelium
covered by simple squamous
portal system
second capillary network
liver synthesizes
albumin - maintains osmolarity FAs glucose PT and fibrinogen alpha/beta globulins cholesterol and phospholipids
other liver functions
embryo hematopoesis
somatomedin production
portal triad
portal vein
hepatic artery
bile ductule
also has associated lymph vessel
hepatic blood flow
from both portal vein and hepatic artery
interlobar (a/v) - interlobular (a/v) - distributing (a/v) - inlet (a/v)
- sinusoids - central vein - sublobular v - collecting v - hepatic v - IVC
liver lobule
functional unit of liver
hepatocytes form into walls (muralium)
large cells 150 day life span mainly bi-nucleate often polyploidy** (tetraploid 4N) by age 2 - 1 cell thick
3 surfaces:
bile canaliculi
space of disse
gap between hepatocyte and sinusoid
no cells
sinusoidal cells
endothelial - have gaps (non-fenestrated)
liver stroma
two overlapping CT trees
- central vein
- portal triad
sinusoids supported by reticular fibers
altereted in disease (fibrosis/cirrhosis)
classic lobule
endocrine natrure
- portal triad at periphery
- central vein at center
products synthesized - fibrinogen, albumin, glucose
portal lobule
exocrine nature
portal triad at center
central vein at periphery
bile and its constituents to duct
portal acinus
metabolic zonation
aka rappaports lobule
central v to central v and portal triad to triad
reflects gradient of metabolic activity in liver
periportal zone
zone 1
receives blood with highest nutrients/oxygen
last to die, first to regenerate
zone 2
blood of intermediate quality
centrolobular zone
zone 3
receives blood with lowest nutrient/oxygen content
-first cells to die in necrosis
3 zones?
difference in carb, protein, lipid, drug metabolism
highest activity of these processes in zone 1
hepatocyte regeneration
high capacity for regeneration
-zonal damage - regeneration of damaged zone
decrease in polyploid and binucleate cells
hepatocyte mitochondria
-self-replicating (budding)
ox phosphorylation
hepatocyte lysosomes
acidic pH
-ATP dependent proton pump
autophagy - break down own material
heterophagy - break down external material
catabolic enzymes from RER to golgi
lipofuscin granules
residual bodies in hepatocytes
-lysosome with digested material in it
brown/gold stain
receptors on hepatocytes
GH prolactin insulin glucagon NE etc.