listening Flashcards
to doom
death, destruction, or any very bad situation that cannot be avoided:
(morte , ruína, destruição)
- A sense of doom hung over the entire country.
- The newspapers are always
full of doom and gloom (= bad news and unhappiness) these days.
to be the certain cause of someone or something having a bad end, esp. to die or to fail:
- The project or the “plan” is doomed to failure
- Are we doomed to repeat the mistakes of the past?
/ˈkrɪk.ɪt/ ASPIRATION
i don´t wanna recognize her when you´re done
take it - got it
i pulled up your bank account and you are broke
1 – Pull up no sentido de “encostar” um veículo, ou seja, pará-lo:
- If you will just pull up beside that curb, I’ll get out of the car here.
Se você puder apenas encostar/parar ao lado daquele meio fio, eu sairei do carro aqui. - If I pull up the car any further, I am going to hit the curb!
2 – Conseguir informações de um computador também é pull up. Nesta situação, podemos usar diversos verbos para passar essa ideia. Veja abaixo:
- Pull up the sports website so we can check the score of the game.
Abra o website de esportes para que nós possamos checar a pontuação do jogo.
- Haley pulled up the weather forecast so we can see what type of clothes we
should pack.
3 – Pull up no sentido de puxar:
- The construction workers pull up their supplies by using a crane.
- The rock climbers used rope to pull up their climbing supplies on the cliff.