Lines 490-542 Flashcards
Turnus said
super adsistens
standing over him
Arcadians, remember
haec…mea dicta
these words of mine
referte Evandro
(and) report them to Evander
Pallanta remitto
I am sending back Pallas
qualem meruit
in the state that he deserves
I am granting you
quisquis honos
whatever honour
there is in a burial mound
quidquid solamen
whatever consolation
humandi est
there is in burial
haud illi stabunt Aeneia parvo hospitia
his hospitality towards Aeneas will cost him dearly
et…talia fatus
and having spoken such things
laevo pressit pede
he crushed…with his left foot (laevo perhaps connotes inauspicious - foreshadow)
the lifeless body
rapiens…pondera baltei
seizing the weight of the sword belt
immania (sword-belt)
impressumque nefas
with the atrocity embossed upon it
manus iuvenum
that band of young men
slaughtered cruelly
una sub nocte iugali
in the course of one wedding-night
thalamique cruenti
and the bloody marriage-chambers
quae Clonus Eurytides
subjects which Clonus, son of Eurytus
multo caelaverat auro
had engraved with much gold
nunc Turnus…potitus
now Turnus…having gained possession of it
quo…ovat spolio
exulted in this spoil
and took pleasure in it
mens hominum
o mind of men
nescia (governs 2 genitive nouns and infinitive)
unaware (of how)
fati sortisque futurae
of fate and future fortune
et servare modus
and of how to observe moderation
rebus sublata secundis!
when buoyed up by success!
Turno tempus erit
there will be a time for Turnus
cum optaverit
when he will have wished
he had bought
magno…intactum Pallanta
Pallas, untouched, for a great price
et cum oderit
and when he will hate
spolia ista diemque
those spoils and that day
at socii…frequentes
but his comrades, in throngs
multo gemitu lacrimisque
with tears and much groaning
referunt Pallanta
brought Pallas back
impositum scuto
placed on a shield
o…rediture parenti
o you who will return to your father
dolor atque decus magnum
pain and great glory
haec…prima dies
this first day
te…bello dedit
gave you to war
haec eadem aufert
this same day took you away
cum tamen
although in spite of all
ingentes Rutulorum linquis acervos
you are leaving behind huge heaps of Rutulians
nec iam
and now not just