Lines 490-542 Flashcards
Turnus said
super adsistens
standing over him
Arcadians, remember
haec…mea dicta
these words of mine
referte Evandro
(and) report them to Evander
Pallanta remitto
I am sending back Pallas
qualem meruit
in the state that he deserves
I am granting you
quisquis honos
whatever honour
there is in a burial mound
quidquid solamen
whatever consolation
humandi est
there is in burial
haud illi stabunt Aeneia parvo hospitia
his hospitality towards Aeneas will cost him dearly
et…talia fatus
and having spoken such things
laevo pressit pede
he crushed…with his left foot (laevo perhaps connotes inauspicious - foreshadow)
the lifeless body
rapiens…pondera baltei
seizing the weight of the sword belt
immania (sword-belt)
impressumque nefas
with the atrocity embossed upon it
manus iuvenum
that band of young men
slaughtered cruelly
una sub nocte iugali
in the course of one wedding-night
thalamique cruenti
and the bloody marriage-chambers
quae Clonus Eurytides
subjects which Clonus, son of Eurytus
multo caelaverat auro
had engraved with much gold
nunc Turnus…potitus
now Turnus…having gained possession of it
quo…ovat spolio
exulted in this spoil
and took pleasure in it
mens hominum
o mind of men
nescia (governs 2 genitive nouns and infinitive)
unaware (of how)
fati sortisque futurae
of fate and future fortune
et servare modus
and of how to observe moderation
rebus sublata secundis!
when buoyed up by success!
Turno tempus erit
there will be a time for Turnus
cum optaverit
when he will have wished
he had bought
magno…intactum Pallanta
Pallas, untouched, for a great price
et cum oderit
and when he will hate
spolia ista diemque
those spoils and that day
at socii…frequentes
but his comrades, in throngs
multo gemitu lacrimisque
with tears and much groaning
referunt Pallanta
brought Pallas back
impositum scuto
placed on a shield
o…rediture parenti
o you who will return to your father
dolor atque decus magnum
pain and great glory
haec…prima dies
this first day
te…bello dedit
gave you to war
haec eadem aufert
this same day took you away
cum tamen
although in spite of all
ingentes Rutulorum linquis acervos
you are leaving behind huge heaps of Rutulians
nec iam
and now not just
fama mali tanti
a rumour of such a great evil
sed certior auctor
but a more reliable witness
advolat Aeneae
swooped down to Aeneas (saying)
esse suos
that his men were
tenui discrimine leti
within a hair’s breadth of death
that it was time to help
the retreating Trojans
proxima quaeque metit gladio
he cut down everything nearby with his sword
latumque…limitem agit
drove a wide path
per agmen ardens…ferro
blazing, through the column with his sword
te, Turnus…quaerens
seeking you Turnus
superbum caede nova
proud of your recent murder
in ipsis omnia sunt oculis
everything was before those very eyes:
Pallas, Evander…mensae
Pallas, Evander, the meals
that he attended first
as a stranger at that time
dextraeque datae
and the pledges made
quattor hic iuvenes…rapit viventes
at this point he seized four young men alive
Sulmone creatos
sons of Sulmo
totidem quos educat Vfens
(and) just as many whom Ufens raised
inferias quos immolet umbris
to sacrifice as offerings to the shades
(-que) rogi perfundat…flammas
and to soak the flames of the pyre
with their captive blood
after that he had hurled
infensam hastam
an enemy spear
Mago procul
at Magus from afar
ille astu subit
that man cunningly ducked down
at tremibunda supervolat hasta
and the quivering spear flew over him
et genua amplectens
and embracing his knees
effatur talia supplex
he spoke such things as a suppliant
per patrios manes
by (remember) your father’s spirits
et spes surgentis Iuli
and the aspirations/hopes of growing Iulus
te precor
I pray you
hanc animam serves gnatoque patrique
spare this soul for both my father and my son
est domus alta
I have a lofty palace
talenta caelati argenti
talents of engraved silver
lie buried
deep within
mihi sunt…pondera
I have weights
auri…facti infectique
of wrought and unwrought gold
victoria Teucrum
the victory of the Trojans (Teucrum = Teucrorum)
non hic…vertitur
does not depend on/revolve around this
aut anima una dedit
nor will one soul make
discrimina tanta
such a big difference
he had spoken
Aeneas contra cui talia reddit
Aeneas gave him such an answer in reply
multa talenta
the many talents
argenti atque auri
of silver and gold
memoras quae
that you mention
gnatis parce tuis
save them for your sons
belli commercia…ista
that war-trade of yours
Turnus sustulit
Turnus (has) put an end to
prior iam tum
before now at the moment
Pallante perempto
when he slew Pallas
hoc patris Anchisae manes(…sentit)
this is the judgement of my father Anchises’ spirit
hoc sentit Iulus
this is the judgement of Iulus
sic fatus
having spoken thus
galleam laeva tenet
he held his helmet with his left hand
atque reflexa cervice
and with the neck…bent back
of the suppliant
capulo tenus
right up to the hilt
applicat ensem
he brought his sword to bear on him
nec procul Haemonides (supply erat)
the son of Haemon was not far off
Phoebi Triviaeque sacerdos
the priest of Phoebus and Hecate
infula redimibat
whose head-band wreathed
sacra…tempora vitta
his temples with sacred ribbons
totus conlucens
gleaming all over
veste albis
with his white robes
atque insignibus
and insignias
quem congressus agit campo
having clashed with him he drove him over the plain
lapsumque superstans
and standing over the fallen man
he sacrificed him
ingentique umbra tegit
and covered him with his great shadow
arma Serestus lecta
Serestus, having picked up his weapons/armour
refert umeris
brought them/it back on his shoulders
as a trophy to you
rex Gradive
Mars the king