Lines 260-307 Flashcards
What happens in lines 251-259?
Aeneas prays to Cybele for her favour. Dawn breaks, and he prepares his men to fight.
iamque in conspectu…habet
and now he had in his sight
Teucros…et sua castra
the Trojans and his own camp
stans celsa in puppi
standing on the lofty stern
cum deinde
when at once
with his left hand he brandished
his blazing shield
clamorem…tollunt Dardanidae
the Trojans raised a shout
ad sidera…e muris
to the stars from their walls
spes addita suscitat iras
added hope roused their anger
tela manu iaciunt
and they hurled spears, each with their hands
just like Strymonian cranes that
dant signa
give a sign
sub nubibus atris
beneath black clouds
atque aethera tranant
and fly across the upper air
cum sonitu
with their honking
fugiuntque Notos
and flee storm-winds
clamore secundo
with glad sound
at…ea mira videri
but those things seemed strange
Rutulo regi ducibusque…Ausoniis
to the Rutulian king and his Italian leaders
donec…puppes respiciunt
until they looked back at the sterns
versas ad litora
turned towards the shore
and saw that the whole sea
adlabi classibus
was gliding along towards the fleets
ardet apex capiti
a point of flame burned on his head
(-que)…flamma funditur
and a flame poured
cristisque a vertice
from the crest at the top
and the golden shield boss
spewed out vast amounts of fire
non secus ac
just as
si quando
at those times when
cometae sanguinei
blood-red comets
lugubre rubent
shine red mournfully
in the clear night
aut Sirius ardor
or when the heat of Sirius
that heat that brings
sitim morbosque
thirst and diseases
mortalibus aegris
to weary mortals
and saddens the sky
with its inauspicious light
however the courage
litora praecipere
to take the shores in advance
pellere terra
to drive off from the land
those who were coming in to attack
haud…cessit (subject is fiducia)
did not depart
audaci Turno
from bold Turnus
without further ado…without further ado
animos tollit
he raised their spirits
dictis atque increpat
and rebuked them with his words
quod votis optastis adest
what you have longed for in your prayers is here
perfringere dextra
to break through with might and main
Mars ipse
the very fight is
in manibus…viris
in the hands of real men
nunc esto quisque…memor
now let each man be mindful
of his own wife
and of his home
now let him recall
the great deeds
patrum laudes
those praiseworthy deeds of the fathers.
ultro occurramus
without further ado let us run…to meet them
ad undam
to the water
dum trepidi
while they are fearful
(-que) labant vestigia prima
and the first footsteps…are shaky
of those who have disembarked
audentes Fortuna iuvat
Fortune favours the bold (lit. those who dare)
haec ait
he said these things
et secum versat
and was debating with himself
whom he might be able
ducere contra
to lead to counter the enemy
vel quibus…possit
or to whom he might be able
obsessos…concredere muros
to entrust the siege of the walls
interea Aeneas socios…exponit
Meanwhile Aeneas was putting his comrades ashore
de puppibus altis
from their high ships
with gangways
multi servare
many kept watch on
recursus languentis pelagi
the ebbing of the sluggish ocean
et…se credere
and trusted themselves
to the shallows with a leap
per remos alii
others came down along their oars
speculatus litora Tarchon
Tarchon, having kept a close eye on the shore
qua vada non sperat
where he didn’t expect shallow water
nec fracta…unda
and the broken waves did not
murmur back
sed mare
but where the sea
glided unimpeded
on the swelling tide
advertit subito proras
he suddenly turned his prows
sociosque precatur
and entreated his allies
nunc, o lecta manus
now, o chosen crew
validis incumbite remis
lean on your sturdy oars
ferte rates
drive your boats
findite rostris
cleave…with your prows
inimicam…hanc terram
this enemy land
(-que) premat ipsa carina
and let the very keels form
sulcumque sibi
furrows for themselves
(and) I do not hesitate
to wreck my ship
with such an anchorage
arrepta tellure semel
once the land has been seized
postquam effatus Tarchon
after Tarchon had spoken out
quae talia
things such as these
socii consurgere tonsis
his allies rose to their oars
spumantesque rates…inferre
and carried their foaming boats onto
the Latin fields
donec rostra tenent siccum
until the prows held the dry land
et sedere carinae omnes innocuae
and all the keels sat unharmed
sed non puppis tua, Tarchon
but not your ship, Tarchon
namque inflicta vadis
for, dashed against the shallows
dum pendet…anceps
while it hung wavering
on an uneven sandbank
sustentata diu
supported for a long time
fluctusque fatigat
and wearied the waves
it broke up
atque viros mediis exponit in undis
and tipped the men out in the middle of the waves
fragmina remorum
the fragments of the oars
et fluitantia transtra
and floating cross-benches
retrahitque pedes…unda
and the waves tugged their feet away
at the same time as receding