English Parts for 20-markers Flashcards
What is Venus’ argument at the beginning? [3]
She wants to intervene to help the besieged Trojans
She argues that the Trojans deserve a new homeland
She wants to protect Ascanius her grandson if she is not allowed to protect Aeneas
What is Jupiter’s stance in the debate? What is the reaction to his speech? [2,1]
Jupiter didn’t want conflict
He decides to leave it up to fate - he won’t favour either the Trojans or the Rutulians
The earth trembles, everything stands still
What is Juno’s argument at the beginning? [2]
She wants to help the Rutulians as Venus has been helping the Trojans
Venus was the one who started it all by influencing Paris to steal Helen
How are the Trojans defending their stockade from the besieging Rutulians? [4]
Throwing javelins
Hurling stones (e.g. Acmon)
Shooting arrows and fire
Shooting poison darts (e.g. Ismarus)
What was Aeneas doing before he landed? [3]
Talking with Evander at Pallantium
He learns about his opposition (Mezentius and Turnus have joined forces)
Pallas joins Aeneas and talks to him admiringly (Pallas asks Aeneas to tell him about the stars and Aeneas’ adventures) while Aeneas ponders the war
Who are the leaders of the Tuscan fleet? [8]
Abas - grim Cunerus - the bravest warrior from Liguria Asilas - an augur from Pisa Massicus - from Clusium Astur - handsome, from Caere Cupavo - his father Cycnus (Cygnus) was turned into a swan Ocnus - from Mantua, Virgil's home city Aulestes - ship looks like a merman ACAMACOA
After Haemonides, whom does Aeneas kill in his furor? [8]
Anxur - boastful
Tarquitus - proud, youthful. Aeneas gloats over his death, taunting him that he will be left unburied
Camers - auburn son of Volcens, Lucas - in the front line, Antaeus - in the front line, Numa - brave CLAN
Lucagus and his brother Liger - hot-headed, foolish and proud. Liger begs for mercy, but Aeneas kills him
Why does Jupiter allow Juno to rescue Turnus? [3]
Venus is helping the Trojans
Juno is flattering and submissive
As long as he dies eventually according to fate, “there’s room for that much indulgence”
How does Juno rescue Turnus? Why isn’t he happy about it? What does he try to do and why? [1,2,1+1]
She creates a phantom of Aeneas that Turnus follows onto a ship. It then disappears as she breaks the mooring and pushes the ship towards his father Daunus’ city.
Shame at leaving his men behind to face death
Disgrace at seeming cowardly
He tries to jump off the ship three times - his shame > his fear of death
What similes are used to describe Mezentius when he is fighting the Trojans/Etruscans? [5]
A cliff unshaken by waves, wind and rain
A boar, unafraid by the barking dogs and men with spears that are hunting it
A hungry lion wandering the woodlands in search of an unsuspecting deer, killing and eating its prey brutally
A whirlwind in the field
Orion, a giant, striding through the ocean with his head hidden in the clouds
Whom does Mezentius kill? [8]
Orodes - ‘no small part of the battle’, as Mezentius gloats. Orodes swears Mezentius will not go unavenged for long
Palmus - swift, but Mezentius hamstrings him
Acron - a Greek exile
Mimas - friend of Paris, born the same day as him
Antores - the spear was meant for Aeneas; dying he ‘remembered sweet Argos’
Hebrus - son of Dolichaon, Evanthes - the Phrygian, Latagus - crushed by a rock
How are the gods described before Aeneas fights Lausus? [4]
Mars deals out death and destruction to both sides.
The gods pity ‘the useless anger of both’.
Venus and Juno gaze down at the battle
Tisiphone (one of the Furies) rages among them
What happens the first time Aeneas and Mezentius engage? [5]
Mezentius vows that Lausus will be dressed in Aeneas’ spoils
He throws a spear and misses, hitting Antores instead of Aeneas.
Aeneas hits Mezentius’ shield with a spear.
It passes through to his groin with enough force to wound, but not to kill him
Aeneas rejoices ‘at the sight of the Tuscan blood’ and presses on, but is stopped by Lausus and his men
How is Lausus glorified? [6]
Direct address using first person
Risks/sacrifices his life to protect his father
For a while he stands his ground against Aeneas despite his youth
Pathetic death
Aeneas feels pity and praises him for his courage, seeing his own son in Lausus
What simile is used to describe Aeneas during his fight with Lausus?
Like a ploughman or farmer running from clouds pouring down hail who takes shelter before continuing his work the next day
What is Mezentius doing while Lausus is being killed? How is he described in this scene? [1,2]
Resting by the Tiber with his top fighters
Peaceful, idyllic
‘Weak and panting’
How does Mezentius react to Lausus’ death? [4]
He regrets allowing him to fight Aeneas alone
He repents for his cruelty to the Etruscans as their king
Despite his injury he resolves to fight Aeneas
He tells his horse Rhaebus that it will either carry Aeneas’ body in victory or die with its master
What does Mezentius say to Aeneas before fighting him for the second time?
After Lausus’ death nothing can frighten me: not death, not the gods, not Aeneas
What does Mezentius say when defeated by Aeneas? [2]
Don’t taunt me, I was ready to die when I came to fight
Protect my body from the angry Etruscans and let me be buried with my son
How does the battle between Mezentius and Aeneas pan out? [3]
Mezentius throws many spears but Aeneas blocks them all
Mezentius rides around Aeneas, out of his reach, weighing down Aeneas’ shield with spears
Aeneas throws his spear, killing Mezentius’ horse, which then collapses on top of Mezentius
What exemplum is used to describe Aeneas’ furor? How is this comparison developed? [1,2]
Aegeaon, one of the mythical giants who fought Jupiter and the Olympians
He had 100 arms and 100 hands, and breathed fire from 50 mouths
The spears of his enemies are like Jove’s thunderbolts
What happens to Niphaeus?
The four horses of his chariot see Aeneas and flee in fear to the sea-shore
What happens in lines 251-259 (after the nymphs and before Aeneas lands)?
Aeneas prays to Cybele to lead him in battle. Dawn breaks, and he prepares his men to fight.
What happens in lines 308-361 (after Tarchon’s landing and before the Arcadians run away)? [2]
Turnus gets ready and the battle begins. Fighting between Aeneas and Latins (ranks of farmers). He asks Achates for spears, with which he then kills Maeon.
Who does Aeneas slay in lines 308-361 (after Tarchon’s landing and before the Arcadians run away) and how are they described? [7]
Theron - noblest of men
Lichas - consecrated to Apollo, born by C-section after his mother’s death
Cisseus - tough
Gyas - huge
Pharus - uttering words in vain, noisy gullet
Cydon - unhappy
Maeon - smashing breastplate and breast in one go
What happens when Venus deflects the spears?
The seven children of Phorcus threw the spears. Some spears only glanced off Aeneas, others would have injured him had Venus not deflected them. As a result they only grazed his body.
Who does Pallas kill in lines 399-425 (after Pallas kills Laridus and Thymber and before Lausus stops him)? [2]
Rhoetus and eventually Halaesus
Who does Halaesus kill in lines 399-425 (after Pallas kills Laridus and Thymber and before Lausus stops him)? [4+1]
Ladon, Pheres, Demodocus, Thoas
He also cuts off Strymonius’ right hand
What simile is used in lines 399-425 (after Pallas kills Laridus and Thymber and before Lausus stops him)?
The courage of Pallas’ comrades is likened to fires lit by a shepherd that spread throughout the woods
Who does Pallas pray to in lines 399-425 (after Pallas kills Laridus and Thymber and before Lausus stops him)?
Father Tiber - he offers him Halaesus’ spoils
Sequence of events (poetry in translation) [13]
The Council of the Gods Jupiter Leaves the Outcome to Fate Aeneas Returns From Pallantium The Leaders of the Tuscan Fleet The Nymphs of Cybele Aeneas Reaches Land The Pitched Battle The Death of Pallas Aeneas Rages In Battle Juno Withdraws Turnus from the Fight Mezentius Rages in Battle The Death of Mezentius’s Son, Lausus The Death of Mezentius