Lines 362-398 Flashcards
What happens in lines 308-361?
Turnus gets ready and the battle begins. Fighting between Aeneas and Latins (ranks of farmers). He asks Achates for spears, with which he then kills Maeon.
at parte ex alia
but elsewhere
qua…intulerat torrens
where a torrent had carried forward
saxa rotantia late
rocks, rolling along far and wide
arbustaque diruta ripis
and trees torn up from river banks
Arcadas…ut vidit Pallas
Pallas, when he saw his Arcadians
insuetos acies inferre pedestres
not used to carrying forward the battle-lines on foot
Latio dare terga sequaci
turning their backs to the pursuing Latins
natura loci…quando
since the nature of the place
aspera aquis
roughened by the waters
dimittere…suasit equos
persuaded them to release their horses
unum quod…restat
the one thing that remained
in dire necessity
nunc prece, nunc dictis…amaris
now with a prayer, now with bitter words
virtutem accendit
he fired up their courage
quo fugitis socii?
where are you fleeing to, comrades?
per vos et fortia facta
by you and your brave deeds
per ducis Euandri nomen
by the name of Evander our leader
devictaque bella
and the wars you have won
spemque meam…quae
and by my hope, which
aspiring to equal
my father’s renown
nunc subit
now rises
fidite ne pedibus
do not trust in your feet
rumpenda…est via
you must carve a path
ferro…per hostes
with your swords through the enemy
qua globus ille virum
where that knot of men
densissimus urget
presses most densely
in this direction…demands
patria alta
your glorious fatherland
vos et Pallanta ducem
you and your leader Pallas
numina nulla premunt
no divinities are pressing on us
we mortals are being assailed
mortali…ab hoste
by a mortal enemy
totidem nobis
we have just the same number
animaeque manusque
of both souls and hands
ecce maris…pontus
look! the ocean [pleonasm]
magna claudit nos obice
encloses us with a great barrier
deest iam terra fugae
there is no land left to flee
pelagus Troiamne petamus?
are we to make for the sea or the Trojan camp?
haec ait, et…prorumpit
he said these things and burst forth
medius densos…in hostes
into the midst of the closely-packed enemy
obvius huic primum…fit Lagus
Lagus came to meet him first
fatis adductus iniquis
enticed by unjust fate
Pallas hit him
with his spear that he had whirled
while he was tearing up
magno…pondere saxum
a rock of great weight
per medium
right through him
qua spina
where his spine
discrimina costis…dabat
divided his ribs
hastamque receptat
and he recovered his spear
ossibus haerentem
though it was stuck in the bones
Hisbo did not
quem…super occupat
catch him out as he stooped over Lagus
ille quidem hoc sperans
although he was hoping to
nam Pallas ante
for Pallas, getting in first
intercepted him as he was rushing forwards
dum furit
while he was in a rage
incautum crudeli morte sodalis
off his guard because of his friend’s cruel death
atque ensem…recondit
and buried his sword
tumido in pulmone
in his swelling lungs
hinc Sthenium petit et
after him he attacked Sthenius, and
Anchemolum Rhoeti de gente vetusta
Anchemolus of the ancient family of Rhoetus
ausum incestare
who dared to sully
thalamos novercae
his step-mother’s marriage chamber
vos etiam, gemini, Rutulis cecidistis in arvis
you too, twins, fell in Rutulian fields
Daucia, Laride Thymberque, simillima proles
Laridus and Thymber, most alike offspring of Daucus
indistinguishable and a welcome source of mistakes
for your own parents
at nunc…dedit…Pallas
but now Pallas made
dura…vobis discrimina
a harsh distinction between you
for, Thymber, the sword of Evander
took away your head
decisa…Laride, dextera
your severed right hand, Laridus
searched for you as its owner
semianimesque micant digiti
and your half-dead fingers twitched
ferrumque retractant
and clutched at your sword
mixtus dolor et pudor
grief mixed with shame
accensos monitu
inflamed by the warning
et praeclara tuentes facta viri
and watching the man’s outstanding deeds
Arcadas…armat in hostes
roused the Arcadians…against their enemies
Who does Aeneas slay in lines 308-361 and how are they described?
Theron - noblest of men
Lichas - consecrated to Apollo, born by C-section after his mother’s death
Cisseus - tough
Gyas - huge
Pharus - uttering words in vain, noisy gullet
Cydon - unhappy
Maeon - smashing breastplate and breast in one go
What happens when Venus deflects the spears?
The seven children of Phorcus threw the spears. Some spears only glanced off Aeneas, others would have injured him had Venus not deflected them. As a result they only grazed his body.