Lines 426-489 Flashcards
but Lausus
pars ingens belli
a huge player in the war
non…sinit agmina
did not abandon his company
perterrita (agreeing with agmina)
terrified as they were
caede viri tanta
by such a great slaughter of a hero
primus Abantem oppositum interimit
first he slew Abas who had been thrown in his way
both a bulwark
pugnae nodumque
and a knot in the battle
sternitur Arcadiae proles
the offspring of Arcadia were laid low
sternuntur Etrusci et vos…o…Teucri
Etruscans were laid low, and you, o Trojans
Grais imperdita corpora
whose bodies were not destroyed by the Greeks
agmina concurrunt
the armies clashed together
ducibusque et viribus aequis
with their leaders and their strength evenly matched
extremi addensent acies
the rearguard closed up the battle-lines
nec turba…sinit
and the throng did not allow
moveri tela manusque
weapons and hands to be moved
hinc Pallas instat et urget
on this side Pallas pressed on and charged
hinc contra Lausus
on this side Lausus, to meet this challenge
nec multum discrepat aetas
and there was not much difference in their ages
egregii forma
both outstanding in good looks
sed quis
but men for whom (quīs=quibus)
Fortuna negarat
Fortune denied
in patriam reditus
a return to their homelands
tamen…magni regnator Olympi
yet the ruler of great Olympus
passus haud
did not allow (supply est)
ipsos concurrere…inter se
those very men to clash together
mox illos sua fata manent
soon their own fates awaited them
maiore sub hoste
under the assault of greater enemies
interea soror alma monet…Turnum
meanwhile Turnus’ kindly sister was advising him
succedere Lauso
to go to relieve Lausus
qui…medium secat agmen
Turnus cleaved through the middle of the army
volucri curru
in his winged chariot
ut vidit socios
when he saw his comrades, (he said)
tempus desistere pugnae
time to cease from the fight
solus ego in Pallanta feror
I alone am going after Pallas
soli mihi Pallas debetur
Pallas is meant for me alone
cuperem ipse parens
I would wish for his father himself
spectator adesset
to be present as a spectator
et socii cesserunt
and his comrades withdrew
aequore iusso
from the plain as ordered
at Rutulum abscessu
but with the withdrawal of the Rutulians (=Rutulorum)
iuvenis tum
the young man then
iussa superba miratus
amazed at the arrogant commands
stupet in Turno
was speechless at Turnus
corpusque per ingens lumina volvit
and rolled his eyes over his huge body
obitque…procul omnia
and surveyed everything from afar
with a fierce gaze
talibus et dictis
and with such words
it contra dicta tyranni
he attacked the words of the tyrant
ego iam…laudabor
I shall now be praised
aut spoliis…raptis…opimis
either for having seized the spolia opima
aut leto insigni
or for an illustrious death
pater aequus…est
my father is able to face
either outcome
tolle minas
put an end to your threats
fatus procedit
having spoken he advanced
medium…in aequor
into the middle of the plain
freezing blood gathered
Arcadibus…in praecordia
into the hearts of the Arcadians
desiluit Turnus biiugis
Turnus leapt down from his chariot
pedes apparat
(and) on foot he prepared
ire comminus
to attack at close quarters
utque leo
and just as a lion
cum vidit
when he sees
specula…ab alta
from a high vantage point
stare procul campis…taurum
a bull standing in a far away field
meditantem in proelia
rehearsing for battle
swoops down upon it
haud alia est
no different was
Turni venientis imago
the image of Turnus coming in to attack
hunc ubi…fore credidit
when he believed that Turnus would be
contiguum missae…hastae
in range of a spear-cast
ire prior Pallas
Pallas advanced first
si qua
in case somehow
fors adiuvet ausum
chance might assist him who showed courage (recalls l.284)
viribus imparibus
although his strength was unequal
magnumque ita ad aethera fatur
and he addressed great heaven thus
per patris hospitium
by the hospitality of my father
et mensas, quas advena adisti
and his meals, which you as a stranger attended
te precor, Alcide
I pray you, Hercules
coeptis ingentibus adsis
assist with my mighty undertakings
cernat semineci…me
let (Turnus/him), half dead, see me
sibi…rapere arma cruenta
tearing his bloodstained armour from him
victoremque ferant morientia lumina Turni
and let (his/Turnus’) dying eyes behold me as the victor
audiit Alcides iuvenem
Hercules heard the young men
magnumque…premit gemitum
and suppressed a great groan
sub imo corde
down into the depths of his heart
lacrimasque effundit inanes
and he shed vain tears
tum genitor
then Jupiter
natum dictis adfatur amicis
addressed his son with friendly words
stat sua cuique dies
each man has his own fixed day
breve et inreparabile…omnibus est
and everyone has a brief and irretrievable
time for living
sed…hoc virtutis opus
but this is the work of virtue
famam extendere factis
to enlarge one’s reputation by deeds
tot nati cecidere deum
so many sons of gods fell
Troiae sub moenibus altis
at the foot of Troy’s high walls
quin…Sarpedon, mea progenies
indeed my own offspring, Sarpedon
occidit una
fell together with them
etiam sua Turnum fata vocant
Turnus’ own fates are also calling for him
metasque…pervenit ad
and he has reached the turning-post
for his allotted life
sic ait, atque
thus he spoke, and
oculos Rutulorum reicit arvis
turned his eyes away from the Rutulian fields
at Pallas…emittit…hastam
but Pallas launched his spear
with great strength
(-que)…fulgentem deripit ensem
and he drew his gleaming sword
vaginaque cava
from its hollow sheath
illa volans…incidit
that flying spear fell upon him
qua tegmina summa
where the top-most coverings
umeri surgunt
of his shoulder stuck out
atque viam…molita
and, having forced its way
clipei…per oras
through the edges of the shield
tandem etiam…strinxit
at last it grazed even
magno…de corpore Turni
a part of Turnus’ great body
hic Turnus
at this, Turnus
ferro praefixum robur acuto
the shaft, tipped with sharp iron
diu librans
balancing…for a while (object is robur)
in Pallanta…iacit atque ita fatur
hurled it at Pallas and spoke thus
aspice num…nostrum…telum
see whether my spear
mage sit…penetrabile
is more piercing (than yours)
dixerat; at
he had spoken; but
clipeum…cuspis medium (trans-)verberat
the spear struck the middle of the shield
tot ferri terga, tot aeris
which had so many layers of iron, so many of bronze
quem pellis…tauri
with the hide of a bull
obeat circumdata
enveloping it and encircling it
with layer after layer
vibranti…trans(-verberat) ictu
; it passed through with a quivering blow
and pierced
loricaeque moras
both the protective breastplates
et pectus…ingens
and his huge chest
ille rapit calidum…telum
he tore the hot spear
frustra de vulnere
from his wound in vain
(-que)…sanguis animusque sequuntur
both his blood and his life followed
una eademque via
the same path
corruit in vulnus
he collapsed onto his wound
sonitum super arma dedere
his armour clattered over him
et terram hostilem…petit
and he bit the enemy earth
moriens…ore cruento
dying, with his blood-stained mouth
Who does Pallas kill in lines 399-425?
Rhoetus and eventually Halaesus
Who does Halaesus kill in lines 399-425?
Ladon, Pheres, Demodocus, Thoas
He also cuts off Strymonius’ right hand
What simile is used in lines 399-425?
The courage of Pallas’ comrades is likened to fires lit by a shepherd that spread throughout the woods
Who does Pallas pray to in lines 399-425?
Father Tiber - he offers him Halaesus’ spoils