Lincoln Flashcards


Lincoln’s leadership.

  1. Foundation to Lincoln’s success in economy, as military command was so successful.
  2. Possessed many qualities that made him a great leader-notably he was always a PRAGMATIST, able to realise what he could and couldn’t do. Jefferson Davis couldn’t, had despotic tendencies and took things on himself.
  3. Personality was key: honest sense of humour and unassuming style are some of his many qualities that left a profound impression on those who knew him. Kept open lines of communication with both radical+conservative Whigs of the party+along with management skills ensured he didn’t really alienate members of his cabinet.
  4. He delegated well and had the ability to articulate Union war aims. Limited to Total war. Wining combination of Grant and Sherman.
  5. It is these qualities that historian James McPherson writes “enabled him to dominate his subordinate without the appearance of domination”.
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Role as commander in chief of the armed forces.

  1. Lincoln took the view that waging war was essentially an executive function and believed he must use his powers to best effect. Sometimes Davis didn’t and was criticised for using his powers too sparingly.
  2. Lincoln stretched authority of presidency beyond his office unlike any other previous practice eg April 1861 he called for troops, proclaimed a blockade of South and ordered military spending of $2m without congressional approval.
  3. Whilst choice of commanders can be seen as inspired-made sure if commanders failed, like McClellan following Penisula campaign, they were replaced.
  4. When successful gave free rein; finding his winning team in Grant and Sherman. This combo went onto be very successful and 1863 marked a turning point in the war following Union victories at Gettysburg and Vicksburg.
  5. Combo ‘Dream team’ of Grant and Sherman and Lincoln realised the need to step up the war for limited war to total war to bring swift end to the war. Further highlights Lincoln’s ability to articulate his war aims+led to Sherman embarking on his ‘March to the Sea’ which was key to the North’s victory.
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Suspension of Civil Liberties.


1.Maintain order domestically and military.
2.Prevent dissent, discouragement of the cause and aiding the enemy.
3. Lincoln recognises the need to suspend the Writ of Habeas Corpus in Maryland-seemed ready to join Confederacy would leave U.S capital surrounded by Confederate States-could be thrown in jail without trial.
Suspension later expanded to the rest of Union in sept 1862-anyone found aiding Confederacy or disloyal actions like discouragement of conscription would force imprisonment without trial=remove agitation.
5.Suppressed the media-Northern editors who abused President Lincoln and his war aims did so at the risk if their papers being suppressed or going to prison-over 300 Northern newspapers suppressed-Many who spoke out against him were imprisoned and Clement L Vallidigham was deported to the South.
6.Freedom of Speech in South and from arbitrary arrest were preserved-even when it debilitated the govt-Disloyalty in the South was allowed to spread-Merchants who traded with the enemy, or blockade runners who brought in laces&perfume instead of needed medical supplies had free rein.
7.Curtail not restricted to Civil matters-extended to military-Govt speedily removed system of electing officers which contributed to army being better organised+having more discipline than Southern counterparts-Northerns had not much tendency for individualism-result of northern industry+life. Acts of dissent that did occur were felt with swiftly. South, many state soldiers walked home after battle-felt they did their bit.

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Chief Law Maker (economic policy)

  1. Morril Land Grant Act and passed Homestead Act 1st Jan 1863-important measures, apart of the economic changes Lincoln made to improve and strengthen the Northern economy.
  2. Both acts boosted settlement+agricultural development of the the west during the war-helped supply food to Union army as well as acting as a reward to soldiers in the Union army who were given land as a reward-helping to improve the soldiers moral and would be more determined.
  3. Later govt passed the Legal Tender Act and National Bank act-saw printing of the greenback dollar that was not redeemable for gold or silver-National bank act created a system of national banks which were required to comply with legal tender act.
  4. These laws eliminated countless different currencies in circulation that had been issued by States-improved inter-state trade-as a result of the acts the North had a stronger economy then the South and could continue supplying army with resources.
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Issued Emancipation Proclamation.

  1. Significant contribution to Northern victory and can be linked as important part of Lincoln’s military strategy.
  2. Issued on 22nd sept 1862 following bloodshed at Battle of Antinem on 17th September-Bloodiest day of war, marked a turning point for Lincoln, as a Pragmatist he recognised it was time to make the ‘States in rebellion’ as he called them choose whether they would remain in rebellion or come back to the Union.
  3. He was offering the South a ‘olive branch’ and referring to them as ‘States in rebellion’ he wasn’t putting pressure on them and was non-aggressive.
  4. Significant domestically and in international relations-Domestically adopted as a Northern war aim and became the simply rallying cry that put the Union on the moral high ground. While some didn’t accept abolition, new war aim helped energise soldiers in the field, as well as strengthening Lincoln’s position in the party. Profound impact on international relations an huge contribution to Northern victory as international intervention could have tipped the balance in the South’s favour-made it difficult for South to secure foreign backing-White liberals in Europe were prepared to support a fight for nationalism and state’s rights but could not bring themselves to support a fight for slavery.
  5. Back home helped too population in favour of North-encouraged slaves to flee to the North. Blacks were later allowed to enlist-black regiments especially the 54th Massachusetts showed great bravery and helped improve the cohesiveness of the army as black soldiers became accepted.
  6. EP didn’t include 4 boarder states-significant contribution as Lincoln recognised that had he not allowed them to keep their institution of slavery they may have seceded and tip the balance in the South’s favour because of industry and white population for soldiers.
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