A male child 2-12 years old with pain that has just started. Last week he had a cold with grey stuff on his tongue now he has a mild fever
transcient synovitis
Child is febrile and looks unwell and has a limp
septic athritis
child has developed a limp which appears to be painless for more than 6 weeks there is leg length discrepancy and systemically macular rash
juvenile idiopathic arthritis
how does developmental displasia present
detected in nenonates 6 times more common in girls
A 4 year old with gradual onset knee pain and limp sometimes radiates to buttock and thigh and is worse with acitiity. Appeared after a cold a month ago.
legg perthes disease - can be transcient synovitits but this goes away in 2 weeks
10-16 year old boyr with a bit of a big belly that have a limp with pain in groin thigh and knee. onset is gradual but can be acute and very painful on x ray there is a frog leg lateral displacement of femoral head
slipped upper femoral epiphysis
Mnagment for JIA
MANAGMENT for slipped femoral epiphysis
surgical fixation
management with perthes disease
alagesia if mild
plaster or surgery to secure femoral head
- < 6 months pavlik harness - effective if started early
2. > 6 months surgery
Describe barlows and ortholini?
ortholini leg elevated and abducted and brlrlows leg depressed and adducted to dislocate
Acute lymphoid leukaemia presentation and signs
anaemia - lethargy pallor
neutropenia - frequent or severe infections
thrombocytopenia - easily bruising petechiae
symptoms of anaemia
Thrombotic thrombocytopenia purpura is common in what age adn how does it present
30-50 year olds
neuro and renal symptoms
Idiopathic thrombocytopenia purpura how does it present
petechiae due to bleeding
low platelets seen ONLY
dic how does it caused
by burns/trauma or sepsis