Limitations Flashcards
Approved Operations
Visual (VFR)
Instrument (IFR)
Icing Conditions
ETOPS (except -200SF)
Runway Slope
Maximum Operating Altitude
43,100’ pressure altitude
Maximum T/O & Ldg Altitude
8,400’ pressure altitude
Turbulent Air Penetration Speed
290 kts / 0.78 Mach (whichever is lower)
Maximum Tailwind (T/O or Ldg)
10 kts
Ground Wind Limits for entry and lower cargo doors
- 40 kts while opening or closing
- While open:
- 65 kts (767-300)
- 60 kts (767-200)
Ground Wind Limits for Main Deck Cargo Door
Door may be operated and may be held at CANOPY or FULLY OPEN position in steady winds of 40 kts.
When door is FULLY OPEN, place airplane so that wind is from right hand side.
If wind exceeds 40 kts or door starts to oscillate, lower to CANOPY position.
Gusts up to 60 kts allowed in CANOPY position only.
Takeoff X-wind Limits
RCC 6: 40 RCC 5: 25 RCC 4: 20 RCC 3: 17 RCC 2: 15 RCC 1: 13 RCC 0: N/A
Landing X-wind Limits
RCC 6: 40 RCC 5: 40 RCC 4: 35 RCC 3: 25 RCC 2: 17 RCC 1: 15 RCC 0: N/A
X-wind Reduction
Reduce crosswind guidelines by 5 kts on wet or contaminated runways if asymmetric thrust is used.
Sideslip only Landings
Not recommended with crosswind component greater than 26 kts
MTW (N641GT)
409,000 lbs
408,000 lbs
MLW (N641GT)
320,000 lbs
295,000 lbs
Min INFLT Weight (N641GT)
179,000 lbs
Preflight O2 Pressure
1350 psi (ETOPS) 1250 psi (non ETOPS)
Max Cabin Differential Pressure
9.10 psi (red tick mark)
Max Allowable Cabin Differential T/O & Ldg
0.125 psi (236’ below airport pressure altitude)
APU Starter Duty Cycle
Maximum 3 start attemps in 60 minutes.
1 minute between attempts (APU selector OFF)
Max Altitude APU Bleed Air
Aileron Trim
Use prohibited with A/P engaged
Minimum A/P Altitude: T/O or Go-around
250’ AGL
Minimum A/P Altitude: Non-ILS Approach
50’ below MDA(H)/DA(H)
Minimum A/P Altitude: Single Channel ILS
100’ AGL
Minimum A/P Altitude: Autoland (2 or 3 A/Ps)
Minimum A/P Altitude: Minimums
A/P must be disengaged before descending more than 50’ below minimums unless coupled to ILS G/S and LOC or in Go-Around mode
Do not use FLCH on final approach below 1000’ AFE
Autoland Advisories
When using autobrakes, add 1000’ to Advisory Landing Distance in QRH or TLR without AUTOLAND distance
(N/A if using ACARS or TLR with AUTOLAND)
Autoland: Radio Altimeter
Do not use autoland if either the left or right Radio Altimeter appears to be providing erroneous altitude readings
Autoland: Flaps
Flaps 25 or Flaps 30
Autoland: Glideslope
2.5 deg < angle < 3.25 deg
Autoland: Overweight Landing
Do not use autoland for overweight landing
Autoland: Maximum Winds
HW/XW: 25 kts
XW (CAT II/III): 15 kts
TW: 10 kts
Center VHF
Do not use for voice
HF Radios
Do not operate HF radios during refueling
Circuit Breaker Reset
Reset of tripped Fuel Pump or Fuel Pump Control CB is prohibited in flight.
Reset of other CBs is not recommended, but if PIC determines it has significant adverse effect on safety, may be reset ONLY once and ONLY after cooling period of approximately 2 minutes.
Ground reset by flight crew only as directed by Mx.
Escape Slides
Systems armed and engagement of girt bar with door sill verified prior to taxi, takeoff, or landing when passengers aboard.
Fixed Engine Derates
Use of Fixed Derates TO1 or TO2 are not authorized
Max T/O Thrust Limit
10 minutes (N641GT)
Total time at takeoff thrust must be entered in log when greater than 5 minutes.
Engine Starter Duty Cycle
Continuous for 5 minutes.
Cool for 30 seconds per minute of operation.
Engine Starter Re-Engagement N2
0% - Recommended
0-20% - Permissible
21-30% - Only in case of fire
>30% - May result in starter damage
If engine is motored to decrease temperature, not necessary to disengage starter prior to attempting start.
Engine Limits
Based on EICAS engine display markings:
Maximum and Minimum Limits - RED
Cautionary Limits - AMBER
Engine Oil (N641GT)
Min Pressure: 10 psi
Max Temp: 160 C continuous; 175 C (max 15 minutes)
Min Qty: 17 qts prior to engine start
Engine Ignition in CONT(inuous) Position
- Moderate to heavy rain
- Moderate to sever turbulence
- Volcanic ash
- Icing conditions
- Standing water or slush on runway
(Continuous ignition automatic when engine A/I ON or LE flap extended)
Ground Ops in Icing
During group ops in icing conditions at OAT 3 C and below, comply with supplementary run-up procedure.
Engine Vibration Display
Crew shall not blank vibration display during takeoff.
Reverse Thrust
Reverse Thrust is
- prohibited in flight.
- prohibited to back up the airplane.
Flight Controls
Avoid rapid and large alternating control inputs, even below maneuvering speed.
Stabilizer Trim
Stabilizer trim must be set in green band for takeoff.
Maximum Flap Altitude
Load Limits
Flaps Up: +2.5g to -1.0g
Flaps Down: +2.0g to 0.0g
(At Flaps 25 and 30, positive limit varies linearly from +2.0g at MLW to +1.5g at MTOW)
Do not extend in flight with flaps at 25 or 30.
Do not extend in flight below 800’ AGL.
Metric Altitude
Metric altitude is for reference only and not to be used as primary means of altitude indication.
RNAV Approach
Pilots must go-around if EICAS alert “UNABLE RNP” displays during RNAV approach unless adequate visual references can be established and maintained.
RNAV/RNP approaches must be extractable from database.
Do not delete/add waypoints to RNAV/RNP SIDs or STARs.
Unauthorized RNAV Approaches
- RNP (AR)
- Departures with Radius-to-Fix (RF)
QFE Operations
Do not use LNAV or VNAV below transition altitude/level.
Path Angle
IFR procedures using VNAV to DA(H) not authorized if 2.75 deg < GP < 3.50 deg
Fuel Loading
L or R Main Tanks:
43,097 lbs
Center Tank:
85,200 lbs (767-300)
30,551 lbs (767-200)
22,050 lbs max in center tank if L/R tanks are not full.
Fuel Jettison
> 10,300 lbs must be in main tanks
Fuel Usage 1
No center tank fuel
Use tank-to-engine fuel feed for T/O and Ldg with all operable main tank boost pumps on and X-feed valve(s) closed.
Fuel Usage 2
Fuel in center tank
Use center tank fuel for all ops with all operable boost pumps on and X-feed valve(s) closed until tank fuel is depleted, then revert to Fuel Usage 1.
Center Tank Fuel Pump
Center tank fuel pump switch must be selected OFF when CTR L FUEL PUMP or CTR R FUEL PUMP message displays.
Both center tank fuel switches must be selected OFF when either CTR L FUEL PUMP or CTR R FUEL PUMP message displays if the center tank is empty. During cruise, both center tank pumps may be ON whenever center tank usable fuel is indicated.
Dry running of center tank fuel pump is prohibited.
Do not cycle center tank pump switches from ON to OFF to ON with continuous low pressure indication present.
Fuel Balance
Max Fuel Imbalance between Left and Right main tanks:
- 2500 lbs when total main tank fuel 48,000 lbs or less
- 1500 lbs when total main tank fuel exceeds 79,800 lbs
- Changes linearly between the two values
Fuel Tank Temperature
In-flight fuel tank temperature must be maintained at least 3 C above fuel freezing point.
Max fuel tank temperature is 49 C.
Use of Jet B and JP4 fuel
Icing Conditions
Icing conditions exist when OAT on ground or TAT in flight is 10C or below and either:
- visible moisture in any form is present.
- snow, ice, standing water, or slush is present on ramps, taxiways, or runways.
Engine Anti-Ice must be ON
During all ground and flight ops when icing conditions exist or are anticipated, except when OAT is below -40C.
With engine thrust reduced for descent or speed reduction while in visible moisture with TAT less than 10C, including SAT less than -40C.
When in ice crystal icing, even below -40C.
Window Heat
Window heat must be ON for all normal flight operations.
RVSM Limits
Standby altimeter does not meet accuracy requirements.
Max allowable in-flight difference between CA/FO is 200’.
Max allowable ground difference between CA/FO:
SL: 40’
5000’: 45’
10000’: 50’
Max allowable ground difference between CA or FO and field elevation (any altitude) is 75’.
Flap Limits
Position Speed (-300 / -200) 1 250 / 240 5 230 / 220 15 210 / 210 20 210 / 195 25 180 / 190 30 170 / 162
Landing Gear speeds
All speeds (retract, extend, extended) are lower of 270 kts / 0.82 Mach
Look-ahead and terrain display prohibited within 15 nm of airport or runway not in the database (identified by INTAM) and during QFE operations.
Weather Radar
Avoid operation in a hangar or within 50’ of fueling operations or fuel spill.
Avoid when personnel are within the area normally enclosed by the nose radome.
Supplemental O2 Bottles (-300F)
Supplemental O2 bottles with masks mounted on side of supernumeraries seats, Rigid Barrier, and crew lav must be full before each flight with supernumeraries.
Portable O2 bottle must be full for use on entry to main cargo deck in flight.
Smoke Barrier Door
Main cargo smoke barrier door must be closed during taxi, takeoff, flight, and landing. Must be closed in flight except when entering or leaving main cargo deck compartment.
Wing anti-ice
Must be ON when ice crystal icing exists below 22,000’ even if temperature is below -40C.
Do not operate anti-ice
OAT or TAT exceeds 10C
Ice Crystal Icing exists when:
Visible moisture is present and one or more of the following:
- Amber or red Wx radar returns below the airplane
- Appearance of liquid water on windshield at temps too cold for rain
- Autothrottle unable to maintain selected airspeed
- TAT indications on EICAS stay near 0C