Auto-Flight Flashcards
With the bank limit selector on the MCP in AUTO and heading select mode engaged, bank angle will vary from __ to __ degrees.
How many flight control computers (FCC) are there?
When using Autothrottles during an Autoland, approach speed corrections for wind are not required, as sufficient gust protection is available with A/T engaged by using Vref +5 kts.
With the APP switch pushed on the MCP and prior to LOC or GS capture the LOC and GS appear in what color on the ADI?
Elevator, rudder and aileron pitch can be used with the AP engaged.
With a single autopilot engaged the use of electric pitch trim switches will disengage the autopilot
On the ground with no autopilot engaged and FD’s off, the first FD switch turned on activates the FD in which mode(s)?
Takeoff (TO)
When are the Autoland Status annunciators normally blank?
All normal autopilot modes except during an ILS approach below 1500 feet
After GS capture, which of the following modes should appear on the EICAS Thrust Mode Display?
During takeoff in the N1 mode, which of the following will cause the auto throttle system to stop advancing the Thrust Levers?
Either engine reached the N1 takeoff limit
During takeoff, at what speed is THR HOLD mode activated?
80 kts
What is the default pitch mode when an autopilot is selected to Command while in flight, with neither Flight Direct on?
What factors limit thrust when the auto throttle FMA is in EPR/N1 mode and climb thrust is selected on the thrust mode select panel?
Climb limit N1, flap placard speeds, and Vmo/Mmo
What pitch commands are followed by the AFDS as a result of engaging VNAV mode?
FMC commands
During a crosswind ILS approach, at what approximate altitude does for autopilot enter the runway alignment mode?
500 feet
At what altitude does the autopilot start the landing flare?
50 feet
How is the autopilot flare mode annunciated to the pilots?
FLARE replaces G/S on the FMA
What is the FMA annunciation indicating the auto throttle system is retarding the Thrust Levers?
What annunciation occurs when the approach mode is selected?
LOC and G/S appear in white on the FMA
How can the crew get the localizer and glideslope deviation scales displayed on the ADI’s?
Select an ILS frequency on the ILS tuning head
When go-around mode is engaged, the auto throttle:
Adjusts thrust to achieve 2000 fpm climb
When does the Go-Around mode arm for the AFDS and auto throttle system?
At G/S capture
After what point in an ILS approach can Go-Around mode be engaged?
G/S capture or flaps moved from up
In order for LAND 3 to be active, which of the following events must have occurred?
RA must be 1500’ or less and GS and LOC must be captured
During an ILS approach, below what altitude is the Go-Around mode inhibited?
5 feet RA for 2 seconds
The Flare and Rollout Modes are available for which of the following?
Multiple autopilot approaches
How is the auto throttle normally disengaged after an automatic landing?
Thrust reverser engagement
How can you de-select the Approach Mode after localizer and glide-slope capture?
Select GA or disengage autopilots and turn off both FD’s
Can the GS be captured prior to Localizer intercept?
On a non-GPS aircraft, how is the runway position updated prior to takeoff?
Pushing the THR button
How can you disarm, LNAV, LOC, VNAV and APP modes when armed and prior to capture?
By pushing the mode switch second time
Describe the condition that would cause VNAV ALT to display as the pitch mode?
A conflict occurs between the VNAV FMC profile and the MCP altitude
After takeoff, when may the autopilot be engaged?
After a pitch mode has been selected
When does the ALT light on each altimeter illuminate?
Between 300’ and 900’ of the MCP altitude
What does the THR HOLD mode indicate?
Power has been removed from the auto throttle servo system
How is rollout mode engagement annunciated?
Rollout appears in green on the FMA’s