Limitations 737 Flashcards
Maximum takeoff and landing tailwind component
15 kts
Maximum speeds
Observe gear and flap placards
Maximum operating altitude
41,000 ft
Maximum takeoff and landing altitude
8,400 feet
Maximum demonstrated takeoff and landing crosswind
33 kts
Max runway slope
+/- 2%
Maximum taxi weight
79,242 kg
Maximum takeoff weight
79,015 kg
Maximum landing weight
66,360 kg
Maximum zero fuel weight
62,731 kg
Maximum cabin differential pressure (relief valves)
9,1 psi
Engine TAI (thermal anti ice) must be on in icing conditions, except
Below -40 SAT
Autopilot and trim
Aileron trim is not allowed when autopilot is on
Minimum altitude for autopilot when takeoff
400 ft AGL
Minimum use height (MUH) for single channel autopilot operation
158 feet AGL
Level Change limitation in altitude
Do not use on final approach below 1,000 feet AFE (above field elevation)
Colour of maximum and minimum limits
Colour of caution limits
Maximum time limit for takeoff thrust
2-ENG: 5 min
N-1: 10 min
Engine ignition must be on for
Takeoff, landing, operation in heavy rain and anti-ice operation
Max altitude APU + electrical load
Max 10,000 ft
Max altitude APU bleed
Max 17,000 ft
Max altitude APU electrical load
41,000 ft
APU bleed valve must be closed when:
- ground air connected and isolation valve is open
- engine no 1 bleed valve is open
- isolation and engine no 2 bleed valves open
Max flap extension altitude
20,000 ft
Holding in icing conditions:
Is prohibited with flaps extended
Minimum radio altitude for speedbrakes
1,000 feet radio altitude (or above)
Maximum setting in flight for speed brake
Do not put lever beyond flight detent
Flaps 15 landing
Is prohibited when operating a normal landing
Lateral imbalance of fuel tanks
Must be scheduled to zero
Random fuel imbalance for taxi, takeoff, flight or landing
Maximum 453 kg